

Auto-Vk-Toolkit v1.0

Auto-Vk-Toolkit is a framework for the Vulkan graphics API, implemented in modern C++. It aims to hit the sweet spot between programmer-convenience and efficiency while still supporting full Vulkan functionality. To achieve this goal, this framework uses Auto-Vk, a convenience and productivity layer atop Vulkan-Hpp.

Auto-Vk-Toolkit has been successfully used for rapid prototyping, research (e.g., Conservative Meshlet Bounds for Robust Culling of Skinned Meshes, Fast Rendering of Parametric Objects on Modern GPUs), and teaching (e.g., Algorithms for Real-Time Rendering).

Some screenshots of applications implemented with Auto-Vk-Toolkit

This image showcases some work that has been developed using Auto-Vk-Toolkit (from left to right): Usage in an advanced graphics course for teaching modern low-level GPU concepts; visualization of 19,600 spherical harmonics glyphs from a brain scan; division of meshes into meshlets and rendering them with fine-grained view-frustum and backface culling in task and mesh shaders; ray traced shadows and reflections using the hardware-accelerated real-time ray tracing device extensions; rendering of 358k parametrically-defined fiber curves in real time.

Some of its highlight-features (besides the awesome features of Auto-Vk) include:

Table of Contents


Auto-Vk-Toolkit is ready to go with Visual Studio or CMake. If your system meets the system requirements, everything is set up to build an run right out of the box. E.g., for Visual Studio, open visual_studio/auto_vk_toolkit.sln, set one of the example projects as startup project, build and run!

Hint: The version on the development branch might be more up-to-date and contain additional features and fixes. Please consider using that version, especially if you encounter problems.

Note: At the first run, the Post Build Helper tool is being built. Watch Visual Studio's "Output" tab for status messages and possible instructions.

Visual Studio 2022

A preconfigured project setup is provided for Visual Studio 2022 on Windows.


Setup and build instructions

Set up your own project


Please see docs/cmake.md!


Hello WorldMultiple QueuesCompute Image ProcessingORCA Loader
Screenshot of the hello_world example applicationScreenshot of the multiple_queues example applicationScreenshot of the compute_image_processing example applicationScreenshot of the orca_loader example application

Several example applications are included in this repository:

Skinned MeshletsRay Query and Ray TracingRTX Custom IntersectionTexture Cubemap
Screenshot of the skinned_meshlets example applicationScreenshot of the ray_query_in_ray_tracing_shaders example applicationScreenshot of the ray_tracing_custom_intersection example applicationScreenshot of the texture_cubemap example application

Creating a New Project

For Visual Studio projects, there is a convenience tool under visual_studio/tools/executables/ that can help to quickly set up a new project by copying an existing one (e.g. one of the example applications): create_new_project.exe

Use it like follows to create a copy of an existing project:

A good strategy is to add Auto-Vk-Toolkit as a git submodule to your repository and use create_new_project.exe and the steps above to create a properly configured project in a directory outside of the submodule. Make sure to frequently update the submodule by pulling from Auto-Vk-Toolkit's master branch to get the latest updates.

Resource Mangement and the Post Build Helper

Auto-Vk-Toolkit's Visual Studio projects are configured so that Visual Studio itself can be elegantly used for resource management. That means, required assets (3D models, images, ORCA scene files) and shader files can just be added to Visual Studio's filters in the "Solution Explorer" view and a smart Post Build Helper tool ensures that those resources are deployed to the application's target directory.

In short/TL;DR:

This can look like follows, where the filters assets and shaders have special meaning, as hinted above:
<img src="visual_studio/docs/images/orca_loader_filters.png" width="292"/>

A more detailed explanation and further instructions are given in visual_studio/README.md.

You will notice Post Build Helper activity through its tray icon: <img src="visual_studio/docs/images/PBH_tray.png" />. The tool will remain active after deployment has finished for two main reasons:

For more information about the Post Build Helper, please refer to the Post Build Helper section, and for more information about shader hot reloading, please refer to the Automatic Resource-Updates section below.

What's the difference between Auto-Vk-Toolkit and Auto-Vk?

Auto-Vk is a platform-agnostic convenience and productivity layer atop Vulkan-Hpp.

Auto-Vk-Toolkit establishes the missing link to the operating system, like window handling, and adds further functionality:


There are some documentation pages containing further information:

FAQs, Known Issues, Troubleshooting

Q: Can Auto-Vk-Toolkit be used on Linux?
A: Yes. Please see the CMake documentation at docs/cmake.md!

Q: Can Auto-Vk-Toolkit be used without the Post Build Helper?
A: Yes. The Post Build Helper is a convenience tool that handles resource deployment, asset dependencies, and also file updates (useful for shader hot reloading, depending on the project structure). If you're not using it, you'll have to manage deployment of resources, and compilation of shader files into SPIR-V manually.

Q: I have troubles with asset management in Visual Studio. Any advice?
A: Check out Known Issues and Troubleshooting w.r.t. Asset Handling, which offers guidelines for the following cases:

Q: More resources have been deployed than I have added to Visual Studio's filters. What's going on?
A: Some assets reference other assets internally. For example, 3D models often reference images or material files (in case of .obj models). These "dependent assets" are also deployed to the target directory by the Post Build Helper. Please see Deployment of Dependent Assets for more details.

Q: What are the differences between Debug, Release, and Publish build configurations?
A: In terms of compilation settings, Release and Publish configurations are the same. They link against Release builds of libraries. Debug configuration has classical debug settings configured for the Visual Studio projects and links against Debug builds of libraries. There is, however, a difference between Publish builds and non-Publish builds w.r.t. the deployment of resources. Please see Symbolic Links/Copies depending on Build Configuration for more details.

Q: I have troubles with the Post Build Helper. What to do?
A: Check out Post Build Helper, which offers guidelines for the following cases:

Q: The application takes a long time to load assets like 3D models and images. Can it be accelerated?
A: If you are referring to Debug builds, you can configure Post Build Helper so that it deploys Release DLLs of some external dependencies even for Debug builds. They should accelerate asset loading a lot. To enable deployment of Release DLLs, please open Post Build Helper's settings and enable the option "Always deploy Release DLLs".

Q: Getting cereal::Exception in cereal::loadBinary, or Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFE82204FD9 in ...exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cereal::Exception at memory location ...
A: Your serialized cache file (e.g., for sponza_and_terrain.fscene this could be sponza_and_terrain.fscene.cache) has become corrupt (maybe because it was not fully written due to a previously occured error in the application, or because execution was aborted). Delete the cache file (e.g., sponza_and_terrain.fscene.cache) and let a new one be generated!