


A hosting platform for node.js application.



  1. Download AppHouse from repository:

     git clone https://cfsghost@github.com/cfsghost/AppHouse.git
  2. Install dependencies with NPM utility:

     npm install
  3. Start AppHouse as root:

     sudo node apphouse.js

    Note: AppHouse needs root permission to make safety sandbox with chroot

Application Deployment

There is no need modifying your application for AppHouse, just put your application on specific folder:

  1. Create a directory for new application:

     mkdir apps/myapp
  2. Put your application in the new place (using express to generate application for example):

     cd apps/myapp
     npm install express jade
  3. Restart AppHouse

    Note: AppHouse will run app.js in application folder.

Application Settings

You can modify apphouse.cfg in the application directory, it's formatted using JSON(JavaScript Object Notation).

Here is options:

Management Tools

AppHouse doesn't have tools to manage applications and service, but we've created a new project to do this job:

https://github.com/cfsghost/AppHouse-Manager License

Licensed under the GPL-2.0 Authors

Copyright(c) 2012 Fred Chien <fred@mandice.com>


Copyright(c) 2012 Mandice Company. (http://www.mandice.com/)