



A library to support Helm Chart installation in Kubernetes cluster from .NET code

How to install

SmoothSailing is distribute as a nuget package SmoothSailing

Sample usage

var chartInstaller = new ChartInstaller();
await using var release = await chartInstaller.Install
    chart: new ChartFromLocalPath("./charts/mysamplechart"),
    releaseName: "samplerelease",
    overrides: new {
        sample_property = "sample_value"
    timeout: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)

Packing helm chart into nuget package

  1. Add your Helm Charts into charts/ directory in your project
  2. Edit project file to include all chart's file as Content in your nuget package
  <Content Include="charts/**/*.yaml">
  1. Make sure that all yaml files are encoded as UTF-8 not UTF-8-BOOM


Setup MsSql for tests.

Built on top of helm chart provided by https://github.com/microsoft/mssql-docker/tree/master/linux/sample-helm-chart

public async Task install_mssql()
    var chartInstaller = new ChartInstaller();
    await using var release = await chartInstaller.Install
        chart: new ChartFromLocalPath("./charts/mssql"),
        releaseName: "samplerelease",
        overrides: new MsSqlConfiguration
            ServicePort = 1433,
            SaPassword = "StrongPass1!"
        timeout: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)

    var localPort= await release.StartPortForwardForService("samplerelease-mssql-latest", servicePort: 1433);
    Console.WriteLine($"SqlServer available at {localPort}");