

V7: Embedded JavaScript engine

NOTE: this project is deprecated in favor of https://github.com/cesanta/mjs


V7 is the smallest JavaScript engine written in C. V7 features are:

V7 makes it possible to program Internet of Things (IoT) embedded devices in JavaScript. V7 is a part of the full stack Mongoose OS Platform.

Examples & Documentation


To submit contributions, sign Cesanta CLA and send GitHub pull request. You retain the copyright on your contributions.


V7 is released under commercial and GNU GPL v.2 open source licenses.

Commercial Projects: Once your project becomes commercialised GPLv2 licensing dictates that you need to either open your source fully or purchase a commercial license. Cesanta offer full, royalty-free commercial licenses without any GPL restrictions. If your needs require a custom license, we’d be happy to work on a solution with you. [Contact us for pricing.] (https://www.cesanta.com/contact)

Prototyping: While your project is still in prototyping stage and not for sale, you can use V7’s open source code without license restrictions.