


Build Status License DOI

A Coq implementation of a minimalistic blockchain-based consensus protocol.

Building the Project


Coq definitions and proofs:

Executable node:

Building Definitions and Proofs

We recommend installing the Coq requirements via OPAM:

opam repo add coq-released https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released
opam install coq coq-mathcomp-ssreflect.1.10.0 coq-fcsl-pcm

Then, run make clean; make from the root folder. This will build all the libraries and check all the proofs.

Building an Executable Node

The additional OCaml dependencies for the executable node can also be installed via OPAM:

opam install ocamlbuild cryptokit ipaddr

Then, run make node from the root folder. This will produce an executable named node.native.

Project Structure

The top-level structure consists of the following folders: