

AG Grid HTML5 Grid trusted by the community, built for enterprise

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AG Grid

AG Grid is a fully-featured and highly customizable JavaScript data grid. It delivers outstanding performance, has no third-party dependencies and integrates smoothly with all major JavaScript frameworks.

Here's how our grid looks with multiple filters and grouping enabled:

Image of AG Grid showing filtering and grouping enabled.


In addition to the standard set of features you'd expect from any grid:

Here are some of the features that make AG Grid stand out:

* The features marked with an asterisk are available in the Enterprise version only.

Check out the developer documentation for a complete list of features or visit our official docs for tutorials and feature demos.

Looking for a framework specific solution?

Getting started

Install dependencies

$ npm install --save ag-grid-community

Add a placeholder to HTML

<div id="myGrid" style="height: 150px; width: 600px" class="ag-theme-quartz"></div>

Import the grid and styles

import { createGrid } from 'ag-grid-community';

import 'ag-grid-community/styles/ag-grid.css';
import 'ag-grid-community/styles/ag-theme-quartz.css';

Set configuration

const gridOptions = {
	columnDefs: [
		{ headerName: 'Make', field: 'make' },
		{ headerName: 'Model', field: 'model' },
		{ headerName: 'Price', field: 'price' }
	rowData: [
		{ make: 'Toyota', model: 'Celica', price: 35000 },
		{ make: 'Ford', model: 'Mondeo', price: 32000 },
		{ make: 'Porsche', model: 'Boxster', price: 72000 }

Initialise the grid

const eGridDiv = document.querySelector('#myGrid');
const api = createGrid(eGridDiv, gridOptions);

For more information on how to integrate the grid into your project see Building AG Grid Applications.

Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug, please report it in this repository's issues section. If you're using the Enterprise version, please use the private ticketing system to do that.

Asking Questions

Look for similar problems on StackOverflow using the ag-grid tag. If nothing seems related, post a new message there. Please do not use GitHub issues to ask questions.


AG Grid is developed by a team of co-located developers in London. If you want to join the team send your application to info@ag-grid.com.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.