

Centrifugo is an open-source scalable real-time messaging server. Centrifugo can instantly deliver messages to application online users connected over supported transports (WebSocket, HTTP-streaming, SSE/EventSource, GRPC, WebTransport). Centrifugo has the concept of channel subscriptions – so it's a user-facing PUB/SUB server.

Centrifugo is language-agnostic and can be used to build chat apps, live comments, multiplayer games, real-time data visualizations, collaborative tools, etc. in combination with any backend. It is well suited for modern architectures and allows decoupling the business logic from the real-time transport layer.

Several official client SDKs for browser and mobile development wrap the bidirectional protocol. In addition, Centrifugo supports a unidirectional approach for simple use cases with no SDK dependency.


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Why Centrifugo

The core idea of Centrifugo is simple – it's a PUB/SUB server on top of modern real-time transports:

<img src="https://centrifugal.dev/img/protocol_pub_sub.png?v=2" />

The hard part is to make this concept production-ready, efficient, flexible and available from different application environments. Centrifugo is a mature solution that already helped many projects with adding real-time features and scale towards many concurrent connections. Centrifugo provides a set of features not available in other open-source solutions in the area:


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Also thanks to JetBrains for supporting OSS (most of the code here written in Goland):

<a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/"><img height="140" src="https://resources.jetbrains.com/storage/products/company/brand/logos/jb_beam.png" alt="JetBrains logo"></a>