

Next.js + Playwright

This example shows how to configure Playwright to work with Next.js.

Generate Coverage Report

npm i
npm run test

[MCR] Next.js V8 Coverage Report
│ Name           │    Bytes │ Statements │ Branches │ Functions │    Lines │ Uncovered Lines │
│ src/app        │          │            │          │           │          │                 │
│ ├ about        │          │            │          │           │          │                 │
│ │ ├ actions.ts │  95.11 % │    87.50 % │  50.00 % │  100.00 % │  91.67 % │ 8               │
│ │ └ page.tsx   │ 100.00 % │   100.00 % │          │  100.00 % │ 100.00 % │                 │
│ ├ counter.tsx  │  86.80 % │    81.82 % │  66.67 % │  100.00 % │  73.91 % │ 12-17           │
│ ├ layout.tsx   │ 100.00 % │   100.00 % │          │  100.00 % │ 100.00 % │                 │
│ └ page.tsx     │ 100.00 % │   100.00 % │          │  100.00 % │ 100.00 % │                 │
│ Summary        │  94.68 % │    88.46 % │  62.50 % │  100.00 % │  90.79 % │                 │

HTML coverage report will be found here: monocart-report/coverage/index.html


Debugging port

The debugging port is 9229 by default

"scripts": {
    "test:start": "cross-env NODE_V8_COVERAGE=.v8-coverage NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect=9229 next dev",

But we should use 9230 (9229 + 1) as the CDP port base on the following prompt:

[WebServer] Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/inspector
[WebServer] Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/inspector
[WebServer]    the --inspect option was detected, the Next.js router server should be inspected at port 9230.
[WebServer]    ▲ Next.js 14.1.0
[WebServer]    - Local:        http://localhost:3000

see global-teardown.js

const client = await CDP({
    port: 9230

If you are using a different port like 8112, then the CDP port should be 8113 (8112 + 1).

If you want to use Istanbul, please refer to: