


This is a collection of Helm charts for Kubernetes. The charts are used by cLabs to deploy and manage our infrastructure, and can be used by anyone else to manage their own infrastructure, specifically for Celo Network related resources.

The charts are published to the OCI registry at oci://us-west1-docker.pkg.dev/devopsre/clabs-public-oci. OCI registries are a new standard for container registries, and are supported by Helm 3+, and enabled by default in Helm 3.8.0+.

List of charts

Helm charts best practices

A list of best practices when writing Helm charts can be found in the docs/ folder.


This repo uses GitHub Actions to automatically perform the following:


Installing a chart with custom values

The chart-testing Action allows testing the installation/deletion of a chart using a custom values.yaml file. In order to do that, the action allows for a chart to have multiple custom values files matching the glob pattern *-values.yaml in a directory named ci in the root of the chart's directory. The chart is installed and tested for each of these files.

If no custom values file is present, the chart is installed and tested with defaults.