

<div align="center"> <!-- Add ChuGL logo --> <!-- <img align="left" style="width:260px" src="https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/logo/raylib_logo_animation.gif" width="288px"> -->


ChuGL => ChucK Graphics Library

</div> <!-- end center --> <p align="justify"> ChuGL (sounds like "chuckle"; rhymes with "juggle") is a unified audiovisual programming framework built into the <a target="_blank" href="https://chuck.stanford.edu/">ChucK programming language</a>. It combines ChucK's <b>strongly-timed, concurrent programming model</b> and <b>real-time audio synthesis</b> capabilities with a <b>hardware-accelerated 3D graphics engine and API</b>. At its core is a scenegraph architecture that provides <b>low-latency, high performance audiovisual synchronization at frame-level accuracy</b>.

ChuGL was created by <a href="https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~azaday/">Andrew Zhu Aday</a> and <a href="https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/">Ge Wang</a>, with support from the <a href="https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/authors.html">ChucK Team</a>, and benefitted from prior prototypes of ChuGL and GLucK, respectively by Spencer Salazar and Philip Davidson.


ChuGL v0.1.0 (alpha) — ChuGL API ReferenceChuGL ExamplesChuGL Tutorial

Installing ChuGL

To install ChuGL as a pre-built chugin (ChuGL.chug), visit the ChuGL homepage for download and installation instructions.

Building ChuGL

To build the latest ChuGL from source, clone the chugl repo from github:

git clone https://github.com/ccrma/chugl.git

Compatibility note: ChuGL requires ChucK or higher. See the <a href="https://github.com/ccrma/chuck/">chuck</a> repo for more details regarding building ChucK.


navigate to the chugl/src directory, and run make mac:

cd chugl/src
make mac

This should build a ChuGL.chug executable in build-release, which is also copied to the chugl/src directory. This file can be installed/used as any other chugin (e.g., install ChuGL.chug by copying it into ~/.chuck/lib.)


To build chuck using Visual Studio (2019 or later recommended), navigate to chugl\src\, and run make build-release:

cd chugl/src
make build-release

This creates a CMake compatible build-release directory with Visual Studio project files. Navigate into this directory and open ChuGL.sln. Building this project should create ChuGL.chug. This file can be installed/used as any other chugin (e.g., install ChuGL.chug by copying it into C:\Users\<usename>\Documents\ChucK\chugins\.)


navigate to the chugl/src directory, and run make linux:

cd chugl/src
make linux

This should build a ChuGL.chug executable in build-release, which is also copied to the chugl/src directory. This file can be installed/used as any other chugin (e.g., install ChuGL.chug by copying it into ~/.chuck/lib.)

Running ChuGL

Note: Currently ChuGL only supports command-line chuck. MiniAudicle support to come soon.

You can run commandline ChucK with the option --chugin-probe to check which chugins are found and properly loaded.

Minimal Example

If the chugin is properly loaded, running the following example via commandline chuck will open a blank window. Press esc to exit.

while (true) { GG.nextFrame() => now; }

Congrats, you now have ChuGL properly installed!

Learning Resouces