

Cracow Cloud One


Cracow Cloud One - free private computing cloud

The CC1 system provides a complete solution for Private Cloud Computing. An intuitive web access interface with an administration module and simple installation procedure make it easy to benefit from Cloud Computing technology.

The CC1 system provides convenient and flexible access to computing power. Virtualization technology and the self-service approach of resources reservation increase the efficiency and elasticity of the IT infrastructure. This reduces both the investment and operating costs, as well as the IT administrative effort.

About project

The “Cloud Computing for Science and Economy” project (acronym CC1) was started in 2009 at IFJ PAN. The project is financed from the structural resources within the grant POIG 02.03.03-00-033/09-04 funded by the European Commission and the Polish Ministry of Science and Education (Innovative Economy, National Cohesion Strategy).

Find out more about project at CC1 website.

Installation and documentation.

System's documentation may be found at CC1 subpage

Check system installation procedure at installation's documentation