

CC: Tweaked

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CC: Tweaked is a fork of ComputerCraft, adding programmable computers, turtles and more to Minecraft.


ComputerCraft has always held a fond place in my heart: it's the mod which really got me into Minecraft, and it's the mod which has kept me playing it for many years. However, development of the original mod has slowed, as the original developers have had less time to work on the mod, and moved onto other projects and commitments.

CC: Tweaked (or CC:T for short) is an attempt to continue ComputerCraft's legacy. It's not intended to be a competitor to CC, nor do I want to take it in a vastly different direction to the original mod. Instead, CC:T focuses on making the ComputerCraft experience as solid as possible, ironing out any wrinkles that may have developed over time.


CC: Tweaked contains all the features of the latest version of ComputerCraft, as well as numerous fixes, performance improvements and several nifty additions. I'd recommend checking out the releases page to see the full set of changes, but here's a couple of the more interesting additions:

Relation to CCTweaks?

This mod has nothing to do with CCTweaks, though there is no denying the name is a throwback to it. That being said, several features have been included, such as full block modems, the Cobalt runtime and map-like rendering for pocket computers.


Any contribution is welcome, be that using the mod, reporting bugs or contributing code. If you want to get started developing the mod, check out the instructions here.


If you need help getting started with CC: Tweaked, want to show off your latest project, or just want to chat about ComputerCraft we have a forum and Discord guild! There's also a fairly populated, albeit quiet IRC channel, if that's more your cup of tea.

I'd generally recommend you don't contact me directly (email, DM, etc...) unless absolutely necessary (i.e. in order to report exploits). You'll get a far quicker response if you ask the whole community!


If you want to depend on CC: Tweaked, we have a maven repo. However, you should be wary that some functionality is only exposed by CC:T's API and not vanilla ComputerCraft. If you wish to support all variations of ComputerCraft, I recommend using cc.crzd.me's maven instead.

dependencies {
  maven { url 'https://squiddev.cc/maven/' }

dependencies {
  implementation "org.squiddev:cc-tweaked-${mc_version}:${cct_version}"

You should also be careful to only use classes within the dan200.computercraft.api package. Non-API classes are subject to change at any point. If you depend on functionality outside the API, file an issue, and we can look into exposing more features.