An example of a large scale Flask application using blueprints and extensions.
Quickly run the project using docker and docker-compose:
docker-compose up -d
Create the database and seed it with some data:
docker-compose run --rm app flask create-db
docker-compose run --rm app flask populate-db --num_users 5
Download front-end dependencies with yarn:
yarn install --modules-folder ./app/static/node_modules
The following environment variables are optional:
Name | Purpose |
APP_NAME | The name of the application. i.e Flask Bones |
MAIL_PORT | The port number of an SMTP server. |
MAIL_SERVER | The hostname of an SMTP server. |
MEMCACHED_HOST | The hostname of a memcached server. |
MEMCACHED_PORT | The port number of a memcached server. |
POSTGRES_HOST | The hostname of a postgres database server. |
POSTGRES_PASS | The password of a postgres database user. |
POSTGRES_PORT | The port number of a postgres database server. |
POSTGRES_USER | The name of a postgres database user. |
REDIS_HOST | The hostname of a redis database server. |
REDIS_PORT | The port number of a redis database server. |
SECRET_KEY | A secret key required to provide authentication. |
SERVER_NAME | The hostname and port number of the server. |
Caching with Memcached
from app.extensions import cache
# Cache something
cache.set('some_key', 'some_value')
# Fetch it later
Email delivery
from app.extensions import mail
from flask_mail import Message
# Build an email
msg = Message('User Registration', sender='', recipients=[])
msg.body = render_template('mail/registration.mail', user=user, token=token)
# Send
Asynchronous job scheduling with RQ
is a simple job queue for python backed by
Define a job:
def send_email(msg):
Start a worker:
flask rq worker
Queue the job for processing:
Monitor the status of the queue:
flask rq info --interval 3
For help on all available commands:
flask rq --help
Stupid simple user management
from app.extensions import login_user, logout_user, login_required
# Login user
# You now have a global proxy for the user
# Secure endpoints with a decorator
# Log out user
Password security that can keep up with Moores Law
from app.extensions import bcrypt
# Hash password
pw_hash = bcrypt.generate_password_hash('password')
# Validate password
bcrypt.check_password_hash(pw_hash, 'password')
Easily swap between multiple application configurations
from app.config import dev_config, test_config
app = Flask(__name__)
class dev_config():
DEBUG = True
class test_config():
# Configure for testing
# Configure for development
Form validation & CSRF protection with WTForms
Place a csrf token on a form:
{{ form.csrf_token }}
Validate it:
Rate-limit routes
from app.extensions import limiter
@limiter.limit("5 per minute")
@auth.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
# ...
return 'your_login_page_contents'
Automated tests
Run the test suite:
Use any relational database using the SQLAlchemy ORM
from app.user.models import User
# Fetch user by id
user = User.get_by_id(id)
# Save current state of user
# Fetch a paginated set of users
users = User.query.paginate(page, 50)
Front-end asset management
Download front-end dependencies with yarn:
yarn install --modules-folder ./app/static/node_modules
Merge and compress them together with Flask-Assets:
flask assets build
Version your database schema
Display the current revision:
flask db current
Create a new migration:
flask db revision
Upgrade the database to a later version:
flask db upgrade
Internationalize the application for other languages (i18n)
Extract strings from source and compile a catalog (.pot
pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o i18n/messages.pot .
Create a new resource (.po) for German translators:
pybabel init -i i18n/messages.pot -d i18n -l de
Compile translations (.mo):
pybabel compile -d i18n
Merge changes into resource files:
pybabel update -i i18n/messages.pot -d i18n