

ESP32 Remote

This repository includes code for an IR remote configurable controller. It connects to an MQTT server and allows to play Scenes. Currently, the following protocols are supported:

The firmware runs on an ESP32. It doesn't require additional external PSRAM, at least with the configration provided here. Most of the python code is directly embedded in the Micropython library. If you want to run everything directly from the file system, additional PSRAM might be advisable.

Hardware Layout

Hardware Breadboard

Hardware Layout


You require an MQTT broker for communication.

For configuration, you should put a config.json in the root directory and copy the main.py file in there too.

An example of the config.json can be found here.

Preliminary Software

<img height="600" alt="A picture of the user interface utilizing the ESP32 software" src="images/ui.png">

For fully using this application, there also exists a cloud backend and frontend:


I couldn't get with the newest version of micropython propper client side certificates to run. I am not quite sure what the root cause is and stepped down to authenticate with username and password to the broker. However, if anybody can point me to the issue I would gladly fix this.

Used Libraries

Some libraries are directly embedded in the repository, but have been taken from somewhere else. For easier reference these are:



Slightly modified for rebooting the whole ESP32 on various connection issues after an unsuccesful connection as in my experience wrapping an TLS connection on the ESP32 runs in an endless loop of reconnection issues. My best guess is that something in the TLS pipeline isn't releasing resources without a hard reboot.


micropython ntptime.py

Retrieved from the ESP8266 code base in micropython, it is used to initially synchronize the esp clock on reboot and reconnect.


The code is licensed via the MIT license.