

Build Status Translation status

FSearch is a fast file search utility, inspired by Everything Search Engine. It's written in C and based on GTK3.




It is recommended to install FSearch from one of the Stable packages, unless you know what you're doing.

The Development packages are primarily intended for testing and adventurous users.

UbuntuPPA StablePPA Daily
Arch LinuxAURAUR (git)
Fedora/RHEL/CentOSCOPR StableCOPR Nightly
Flatpak (limited features)Flathub
Solus*Solus Repository

(*) Not maintained by me



Build Instructions



The localization of FSearch is managed with Weblate.


If you want to contribute translations please submit them there, instead of opening pull requests on GitHub. This also includes any suggestions to the English texts — English isn't my first language, so there are likely errors and unusual wordings.

Instructions can be found here: https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/user/basic.html

And of course: Thank you for taking the time to translate FSearch!

Current Limitations

Why yet another search utility?

Performance. On Windows I really like to use Everything Search Engine. It provides instant results as you type for all your files and lots of useful features (regex, filters, bookmarks, ...). On Linux I couldn't find anything that's even remotely as fast and powerful.

Before I started working on FSearch, I took a look at existing solutions. I tried MATE Search Tool (formerly GNOME Search Tool), Recoll, Krusader (locate based search), SpaceFM File Search, Nautilus, ANGRYsearch and Catfish, to find out whether it makes sense to improve those. However, they're not exactly what I was looking for:

Looking for a command line interface?

I highly recommend fzf or the obvious tools: find and (m)locate

Why GTK3 and not Qt5?

I like both of them, and my long term goal is to provide console, GTK3 and Qt5 interfaces, or at least make it easy for others to build those. However, for the time being it's only GTK3 because I like C more than C++, and I'm more familiar with GTK development.


Email: christian.boxdoerfer[AT]posteo.de