


Your friendly DICOM converter.

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dcm2bids reorganises NIfTI files using dcm2niix into the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS).

Major upgrade with dcm2bids >=3.0.0

⚠️ Breaking changes alert ⚠️

dcm2bids>=3.0.0 is not compatible with config files made for v2.1.9 and below. In order to develop dcm2bids new features we had to rewrite some of its code.
Since v3.0.0, dcm2bids has become more powerful and more flexible while reducing the burden of creating config files. Porting your config file should be relatively easy by following the How-to upgrade page. If you have any issues with it don't hesitate to report it on Neurostars.


dcm2bids is a community-centered project. It aims to be a friendly, easy-to-use tool to convert your dicoms. Our main goal is to make the dicom to BIDS conversion as effortless as possible. Even if in the near future more advanced features will be added, we'll keep the focus on your day to day use case without complicating anything. That's the promise of the dcm2bids project.


Please take a look at the documentation to:

Issues and Questions

We work hard to make sure dcm2bids is robust and we welcome comments and questions to make sure it meets your use case! Here's our preferred workflow:

Please cite dcm2bids

If you use dcm2bids in your research or as part of your developments, please always cite the reference below.


Boré, A., Guay, S., Bedetti, C., Meisler, S., & GuenTher, N. (2023). Dcm2Bids (Version 3.1.1) [Computer software]. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8436509


author = {Boré, Arnaud and Guay, Samuel and Bedetti, Christophe and Meisler, Steven and GuenTher, Nick},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.8436509},
month = aug,
title = {{Dcm2Bids}},
url = {https://github.com/UNFmontreal/Dcm2Bids},
version = {3.1.1},
year = {2023}