

strict variant

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Do you use boost::variant or one of the many open-source C++11 implementations of a "tagged union" or variant type in your C++ projects?

boost::variant is a great library. I created strict_variant in order to address a few things about boost::variant that I didn't like.

The tl;dr version is that unlike boost::variant or std::variant, strict_variant will never throw an exception or make a dynamic allocation in the effort of supporting types that have throwing moves. The default version will simply fail a static assert if this would happen. The strict_variant::easy_variant will make allocations in this situation, so you can opt-in to that if you want, and these two versions of variant "play nicely" together. This kind of thing is often a major concern in projects with realtime requirements, or in embedded devices, which may not allow, or simply may not have these C++ features. If you are making a library that might be used in "conventional" projects that want the ease-of-use that comes from boost::variant, but might also be used in projects with restrictive requirements, and you want to use a variant type as part of the API, strict_variant might offer a way to keep everyone happy.

Besides this, there are some issues in the interface of variant that were addressed that make it more pleasant to use day-to-day IMHO. (These were actually the original motivation of the project.)

For an in-depth discussion of the design, check out the documentation.

For a gentle intro to variants, and an overview of strict-variant, see slides from a talk I gave about this: [pptx][pdf]


On github pages.

Compiler Compatibility

strict_variant targets the C++11 standard.

It is known to work with gcc >= 4.8 and clang >= 3.5, and is tested against MSVC 2015.

strict_variant can be used as-is in projects which require -fno-exceptions and -fno-rtti.

Licensing and Distribution

strict variant is available under the boost software license.