

[!Important] This project is maintained by developer from Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

I do my best, but due to Russia's ongoing full-scale invasion of Ukraine, I barely have the energy to support open source projects.

If my work has been useful to you, please consider supporting Ukraine or me personally. Even your $1 has an impact!


Vite Electron Builder Boilerplate

This is a template for secure electron applications. Written following the latest safety requirements, recommendations and best practices.

Get started

Follow these steps to get started with the template:

  1. Click the Use this template button (you must be logged in) or just clone this repo.
  2. Go to project folder and run npm run init
  3. Optional: Run git config core.hooksPath .git-hooks if you want to enable local pre-commit checks. That's all you need. πŸ˜‰

❀️ If you like this template, give a ⭐ or send support!



When designing this template, I tried to keep шС minimal, using the platform's native features to the maximum and minimizing the number of third-party dependencies.

Electron Electron version

Automatic tests

Continuous Integration


Each time you push changes to the main branch, the ci workflow starts to create and deploy a new application version with then will be downloaded and applied by each app instance.

Project Structure

The project is designed as monorepo where each part of the application is an independent package. Each package could have own tech stack, tests, dependencies, frameworks, etc. All internal names are prefixed by @vite-electron-builder/*. There are no technical reasons for this. It's just for you to make it easier to understand the architecture.

Initially, the repository contains only three packages:

As you may have noticed, the repository does not contain a package that implements the application interface. The reason is that since the entire application is a mono-repository, you can use any web application based on any framework or bundler as a package for the interface.

There is only one requirement: the template expects to import renderer by @vite-electron-builder/renderer name.

[!TIP] You can create new renderer package in interactive mode by npm run init.

[!NOTE] If you are using a bundler other than vite, you may need to slightly change the watch.js script to run it correctly.

How It works

Compile executable

When an application is ready to distribute, you need to compile it into executable. We are using electron-builder for this.

[!TIP] This template is configured to use GitHub Releases to distribute updates, but you can configure whatever you need. Find more in electron-builder docs.

Working with third-party dependencies

Because the renderer works and builds like a regular web application, you can only use dependencies that support the browser or compile to a browser-friendly format.

This means that in the renderer you are free to use any frontend dependencies such as Vue, React, lodash, axios and so on. However, you CANNOT use any native Node.js APIs, such as, systeminformation. These APIs are only available in a Node.js runtime environment and will cause your application to crash if used in the renderer layer. Instead, if you need access to Node.js runtime APIs in your frontend, export a function form the preload package.

All dependencies that require Node.js api can be used in the preload script.

Expose in the main world

Here is an example. Let's say you need to read some data from the file system or database in the renderer.

In the preload context, create a function that reads and returns data. To make the function announced in the preload available in the render, you usually need to call the electron.contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld.

However, this template is designed to use all power of ES modules. You can import anything from preload in renderer. All the data will quietly throw through the electron.contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld(), so you don't need to worry about it.

// preload/src/index.ts
import {readFile} from 'node:fs/promises';

// Encapsulate types if you use typescript
interface UserData {
  prop: string

// Will call `electron.contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('getUserData', getUserData)`
export function getUserData(): Promise<UserData> {
  return readFile('/path/to/file/in/user/filesystem.json', {encoding: 'utf8'}).then(JSON.parse);

Now you can import and call the method in renderer

// renderer/src/anywere/component.ts
import {getUserData} from '@vite-electron-builder/preload'

// Method will came from exposed context
// const userData = globalThis['getUserData']
const userData = await getUserData()

[!TIP] Find more in Context Isolation tutorial.

Working with Electron API

Although the preload has access to all of Node.js API, it still runs in the BrowserWindow context, so only limited electron modules are available in it.

[!TIP] Check the electron docs for the full list of available methods.

All other electron methods can be invoked in the main.

As a result, the architecture of interaction between all modules is as follows:

renderer->>+preload: Read data from file system
preload->>-renderer: Data
renderer->>preload: Maximize window
activate preload
preload-->>main: Invoke IPC command
activate main
main-->>preload: IPC response
deactivate main
preload->>renderer: Window maximized
deactivate preload

[!TIP] Find more in Inter-Process Communication tutorial.

Modes and Environment Variables

All environment variables are set as part of the import.meta, so you can access them vie the following way: import.meta.env.

[!NOTE] If you are using TypeScript and want to get code completion, you must add all the environment variables to the ImportMetaEnv in types/env.d.ts.

The mode option is used to specify the value of import.meta.env.MODE and the corresponding environment variables files that need to be loaded.

By default, there are two modes:

When running the build script, the environment variables are loaded from the following files in your project root:

.env                # loaded in all cases
.env.local          # loaded in all cases, ignored by git
.env.[mode]         # only loaded in specified env mode
.env.[mode].local   # only loaded in specified env mode, ignored by git

[!WARNING] To prevent accidentally leaking env variables to the client, only variables prefixed with VITE_ are exposed to your Vite-processed code.

For example, let's take the following .env file:


Only VITE_SOME_KEY will be exposed as import.meta.env.VITE_SOME_KEY to your client source code, but DB_PASSWORD will not.

[!TIP] You can change that prefix or add another. See envPrefix.

NPM Scripts

npm run build

Runs the build command in all workspaces if present.

npm run compile

First runs the build script, then compiles the project into executable using electron-builder with the specified configuration.

npm run compile -- --dir -c.asar=false

Same as npm run compile but pass to electron-builder additional parameters to disable asar archive and installer creating. Useful for debugging compiled application.

npm run test

Executes end-to-end tests on compiled app using Playwright.

npm run watch

Start application in development more with hot-reload.

npm run typecheck

Runs the typecheck command in all workspaces if present.

npm run create-renderer

Initializes a new Vite project named renderer. Basically same as npm create vite.

npm run integrate-renderer

Starts the integration process of the renderer using the Vite Electron builder.

npm run init

Set up the initial environment by creating a new renderer, integrating it, and installing the necessary packages.


See Contributing Guide.