

Corr2Cause Project

This repo contains the code and data for the ICLR 2024 paper:

Can Large Language Models Infer Causation from Correlation? (ICLR 2024)

Zhijing Jin, Jiarui Liu, Zhiheng Lyu, Spencer Poff, Mrinmaya Sachan, Rada Mihalcea, Mona Diab*, Bernhard Schölkopf* (*: Co-supervision)

File Structure

How to Run

Step 1. Corr2Cause Data Generation

Shortcut: You can directly download the data from https://huggingface.co/datasets/causalnlp/corr2cause

To generate the data yourself:

To reproduce our result, run the following command:

To change the graph size n, manually change the constant in the line 11 of the code; to change the output path, change the line 515 in the code. Note that for some larger n, you should enhance the length of array uniqueDag, but a high length on some OS will result in compiler error due to the default memory space.

What each file does:

Step 2. Evaluating Existing Models

Shortcut: To replicate the results, since we save all the output files of our models into the output folder (232M). Feel free to download them from here, and use the data_v2/outputs/ folder by mv corr2cause_supplementary/data_v2/outputs/ ./data/. Then you can run:

python code/run_model.py -model_types random gpt huggingface coauthor_files

To generate the predictions yourself:

To generate predictions with Alpaca and Llama models specify the location of the input file, output file and the weights in code/run_llama.py and/or code/run_alpaca.py and run

python code/run_llama.py

To generate predictions for other models, run

python code/run_model.py -inference_mode -model_types random gpt huggingface coauthor_files

Step 3. Finetuning Models

To finetune BERT-based models, check the code in code/finetune/. Feel free to customize the code for you to use.

The script below provides an example of finetuning the roberta-large-mnli model:

python3 train.py \
    --dataset_df_dir <dataset_df_dir> \
    --splits_filename train.csv val.csv test.csv \
    --text_col input \
    --y_col label \
    --class_weight automatic \
    --seed 42 \
    --model_save_dir <model_save_dir> \
    --log_dir <log_dir> \
    --iter_time_span 1000 \
    --output_type categorical \
    --num_classes 3 \
    --pretrained_model roberta-large-mnli \
    --lr 1e-5 \
    --max_length 512 \
    --csv_output_path <csv_output_path> \
    --n_epochs 10

To evaluate the model, please refer to the script below:

python3 eval.py \
    --dataset_df_dir <dataset_df_dir> \
    --splits_filename test.csv test.csv test.csv \
    --text_col input \
    --y_col label \
    --seed 42 \
    --model_load_path <model_load_path> \
    --log_dir <log_dir> \
    --pretrained_model roberta-large-mnli \
    --csv_output_path <csv_output_path> \
    --output_type categorical \
    --num_classes 3 \
    --img_output_dir <img_output_dir>

Other Data

If you need extra info, we open-source all different formats of the data and outputs here. Feel free to use the data_v2 folder by mv corr2cause_supplementary/data_v2/ ./data/. Inside this folder, you can see the following subfolders:
