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This library provides some useful classes that help you integrate Google Guice into your JavaFX based applications.

The idea for that class was born after I read an article on fxexperience.com (http://fxexperience.com/2011/10/fxml-guice/). Therefore,... credits go to 'Richard Bair' for the initial idea.

A compiled and ready-to-use version of this library can be found in the Sonatype OSS Maven Repository (oss.sonatype.org). To use the library in your Maven based projects just add the following lines to your 'pom.xml':


In your project all you need to do is create an application class that extends com.cathive.fx.guice.GuiceApplication instead of the javafx.application.Application class that ships with JavaFX.

Next step: instead of using javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader to load FXML files you use com.cathive.fx.guice.GuiceFXMLLoader... that's basically it!