

<div align="center"> <img src="media/rmind.svg" width="220px"> <p> <b>A minimalist CLI for the macOS Reminders app</b> </p> </div> <br>

demo gif

$ rmind review PR tomorrow morning


$ npm i -g rmind



Type rmind to add a reminder. Set remind dates using natural language.

$ rmind publish blog post this friday at 4pm
$ rmind clean up crontab in 1 month
$ rmind ask Leena for PR review in 40 mins
$ rmind call mom tonight

It will automatically open the Reminders App and add your reminder to the default list.

Initial config

When you run rmind for the first time, you'll be asked to configure the list where the reminders will be put by default. You can change this anytime with rmind --config.


Enter configuration mode by typing:

$ rmind --config

In this mode, you'll be able to do any of the following actions:

List Alias

You can add reminders to different lists by configuring aliases.

  1. Enter config mode rmind --config
  2. Select option Add a new list alias
  3. Select the list you want to configure
  4. Type an alias. It's recommended to keep this to 1 or 2 characters.

For example, if you set an alias of g for your list Groceries, you'll be able to add items this way:

$ rmind -l g cereal milk


  1. Fork the project
  2. rmind.ts is the entry point to the CLI
  3. Run yarn link so that rmind gets registered globally
  4. To test your changes first run npm run build and then use rmind in the terminal


MIT © Carlos Roso