

<h1 align="center">Tactile Diffusion</h1> <p align="center"> Learning to Read Braille: Bridging the Tactile Reality Gap with Diffusion Models </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.01182">Paper</a> | <a href="https://youtu.be/U8KD8T3r9eo">Video</a> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./doc/digit.gif" alt="drawing" width="700"/> </p>

We present Tactile Diffusion to generate synthetic images for vision-based tactile sensors. Tactile Diffusion can capture the illumination changes due to the elastomer’s deformation in order to close the sim2real gap for vision-based tactile sensing. On real Braille reading task with a DIGIT sensor, a classifier trained with our diffusion model outperforms classifiers trained with simulation and other data adaptation approaches.

<p align="center"> <img src="./doc/pipeline.png" alt="drawing" width="700"/> </p> (Left) Our tactile diffusion model, trained on YCB-Slide and fine-tuned on 20% real braille, learns to generate realistic tactile images from simulated contact depth. (Middle) We train a braille classifier with data generated from tactile diffusion. (Right) On reading real braille with a DIGIT sensor this classifier outperforms classifiers trained with simulation and other approaches.


Clone this repo:

  git clone https://github.com/carolinahiguera/Tactile-Diffusion
  cd Tactile-Diffusion

and create virtual environment with the following dependencies:

Quickstart Demo

Please, run the following scripts for downloading the models, a sample from the YCB-Slide dataset (only one YCB object), and our own Braille dataset.

  . download_models.sh
  . download_tactile_diffusion_datasets.sh

For running a demo of Tactile Diffusion on the YCB-Slide dataset:

  cd Tactile-Diffusion
  cd tacto_diffusion
  python test_ycb.py

For running a demo of Tactile Diffusion on Braille data after fine-tuning:

  python test_braille.py

Training Tactile Diffusion

For training Tactile Diffusion, we use the YCB-Slide dataset, which provides access to a diversity of contact interactions between a DIGIT sensor and a set of YCB objects. Follow the instructions here to download the real trajectories. Place the dataset in the datasets folder. The tree structure of this folder should look like this:

├── braille
├── ycb_slide
│   ├── bgs # background images
│   ├── obj_models # mesh file for each YCB object
│   ├── real # dataset of real trajectories with DIGIT sensor
│   │   ├── 021_bleach_cleanser

Once the dataset is downloaded, run the following script to generate the depth samples from TACTO simulator in order to train Tactile Diffusion:

  cd ycb_slide_sim
  . run.sh

Run the following script to train Tactile Diffusion with the YCB-Slide dataset:

  cd ..
  cd tacto_diffusion
  python train_ycb.py

To fine-tune Tactile Diffusion with our Braille dataset, run the following script:

  cd ..
  cd tacto_diffusion
  python train_braille.py

Training Braille Classifier

We train a Braille Classifier with data generated by tacto diffusion. For comparison, we also train the classifier with raw sim data, with the option of fine-tuning the model with real data. To train the classifier, run the following script:

  cd ..
  cd braille_clf
  python train.py --cfg config/config_tacto.yaml # train with sim data
  python train.py --cfg config/config_tacto_finetune.yaml # train with sim data and fine-tune with real data. You can change the amount of real data used for fine-tuning in the config file (p_data_fine_tune)
  python train.py --cfg config/config_diffusion.yaml # train with data generated by tacto diffusion

After training, the script will output metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall when testing the model on real data. The script will also save the model in the checkpoints folder.


If you find this work useful for your research, please cite our paper:

      title={Learning to Read Braille: Bridging the Tactile Reality Gap with Diffusion Models}, 
      author={Carolina Higuera and Byron Boots and Mustafa Mukadam},

As well as:

    title={{M}idas{T}ouch: {M}onte-{C}arlo inference over distributions across sliding touch},
    author={Suresh, Sudharshan and Si, Zilin and Anderson, Stuart and Kaess, Michael and Mukadam, Mustafa},
    booktitle = {Proc. Conf. on Robot Learning, CoRL},
    address = {Auckland, NZ},
    month = dec,
    year = {2022}


The authors thank Sudharshan Suresh, Mike Lambeta, and Roberto Calandra for help with TACTO simulator and DIGIT sensors.