

Capytaine standalone distribution

This repository stores the recipe to bundle a full Python distribution with Capytaine into a single file executable file.


Choose the file corresponding to your OS in the "Release" section of the Github page.

After downloading the file, you might need to give it permission to be executed as a program. On Linux, the command is as follows:

chmod +x ipython-with-capytaine-linux


In a terminal, use the following command to open an IPython shell with Capytaine pre-loaded:


In this shell, you can run any Python command, including commands using Capytaine:

In [1]: print("Hello world")
Hello world

In [2]: mesh = cpt.mesh_sphere()
Out[2]: Mesh(vertices=[[... 92 vertices ...]], faces=[[... 100 faces ...]], name="sphere_0")

To execute a whole Python script, you can pass it as argument to the command line

./ipython-with-capytaine-linux radiation_cylinder.py

or, from within the IPython shell, use the following "magic" command:

In [3]: %run radiation_cylinder.py



Please report issues to Capytaine's main issue tracker while mentionning [capytaine-standalone] in the issue title.