

<p align="center"><br><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/236501/85893648-1c92e880-b7a8-11ea-926d-95355b8175c7.png" width="128" height="128" /></p> <h3 align="center">Capacitor Camera Preview</h3> <p align="center"><strong><code>@capacitor-community/camera-preview</code></strong></p> <br> <p align="center"><strong>CAPACITOR 5</strong></p><br> <p align="center"> Capacitor plugin that allows camera interaction from Javascript and HTML<br>(based on cordova-plugin-camera-preview). </p> <br> Version 6 of this plugin requires Capacitor 6.

If you are using Capacitor 5, use version 5

If you are using Capacitor 4, use version 4

If you are using Capacitor 3, use version 3

If you are using Capacitor 2, use version 1

PR's are greatly appreciated.

-- @arielhernandezmusa and @pbowyer, current maintainers

<!-- # Features <ul> <li>Start a camera preview from HTML code.</li> <li>Maintain HTML interactivity.</li> <li>Drag the preview box.</li> <li>Set camera color effect.</li> <li>Send the preview box to back of the HTML content.</li> <li>Set a custom position for the camera preview box.</li> <li>Set a custom size for the preview box.</li> <li>Set a custom alpha for the preview box.</li> <li>Set the focus mode, zoom, color effects, exposure mode, white balance mode and exposure compensation</li> <li>Tap to focus</li> </ul> -->


yarn add @capacitor-community/camera-preview


npm install @capacitor-community/camera-preview

Then run

npx cap sync

Extra Android installation steps

Important camera-preview 3+ requires Gradle 7. If you are using Gradle 4, please use version 2 of this plugin.

Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and above the closing </manifest> tag add this line to request the CAMERA permission:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

For more help consult the Capacitor docs.


This plugin will use the following project variables (defined in your app's variables.gradle file):

Extra iOS installation steps

You will need to add two permissions to Info.plist. Follow the Capacitor docs and add permissions with the raw keys NSCameraUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription. NSMicrophoneUsageDescription is only required, if audio will be used. Otherwise set the disableAudio option to true, which also disables the microphone permission request.

Extra Web installation steps

Add import { CameraPreview } from '@capacitor-community/camera-preview'; in the file where you want to use the plugin.

then in html add <div id="cameraPreview"></div>

and CameraPreview.start({ parent: "cameraPreview"}); will work.



Starts the camera preview instance. <br>

positionfront | rearShow front or rear camera when start the preview. Defaults to front
widthnumber(optional) The preview width in pixels, default window.screen.width (applicable to the android and ios platforms only)
heightnumber(optional) The preview height in pixels, default window.screen.height (applicable to the android and ios platforms only)
xnumber(optional) The x origin, default 0 (applicable to the android and ios platforms only)
ynumber(optional) The y origin, default 0 (applicable to the android and ios platforms only)
toBackboolean(optional) Brings your html in front of your preview, default false (applicable to the android and ios platforms only)
paddingBottomnumber(optional) The preview bottom padding in pixes. Useful to keep the appropriate preview sizes when orientation changes (applicable to the android and ios platforms only)
rotateWhenOrientationChangedboolean(optional) Rotate preview when orientation changes (applicable to the ios platforms only; default value is true)
storeToFileboolean(optional) Capture images to a file and return back the file path instead of returning base64 encoded data, default false.
disableExifHeaderStrippingboolean(optional) Disable automatic rotation of the image, and let the browser deal with it, default true (applicable to the android and ios platforms only)
enableHighResolutionboolean(optional) Defaults to false - iOS only - Activate high resolution image capture so that output images are from the highest resolution possible on the device
disableAudioboolean(optional) Disables audio stream to prevent permission requests, default false. (applicable to web and iOS only)
lockAndroidOrientationboolean(optional) Locks device orientation when camera is showing, default false. (applicable to Android only)
enableOpacityboolean(optional) Make the camera preview see-through. Ideal for augmented reality uses. Default false (applicable to Android and web only)
enableZoomboolean(optional) Set if you can pinch to zoom. Default false (applicable to the android and ios platforms only)
<!-- <strong>Options:</strong> All options stated are optional and will default to values here * `x` - Defaults to 0 * `y` - Defaults to 0 * `width` - Defaults to window.screen.width * `height` - Defaults to window.screen.height * `camera` - See <code>[CAMERA_DIRECTION](#camera_Settings.CameraDirection)</code> - Defaults to front camera * `toBack` - Defaults to false - Set to true if you want your html in front of your preview * `tapPhoto` - Defaults to true - Does not work if toBack is set to false in which case you use the takePicture method * `tapFocus` - Defaults to false - Allows the user to tap to focus, when the view is in the foreground * `previewDrag` - Defaults to false - Does not work if toBack is set to false * `storeToFile` - Defaults to false - Capture images to a file and return back the file path instead of returning base64 encoded data. * `disableExifHeaderStripping` - Defaults to false - **Android Only** - Disable automatic rotation of the image, and let the browser deal with it (keep reading on how to achieve it) -->
import { CameraPreview, CameraPreviewOptions } from '@capacitor-community/camera-preview';

const cameraPreviewOptions: CameraPreviewOptions = {
  position: 'rear',
  height: 1920,
  width: 1080

Remember to add the style below on your app's HTML or body element:

ion-content {
  --background: transparent;

Take into account that this will make transparent all ion-content on application, if you want to show camera preview only in one page, just add a custom class to your ion-content and make it transparent:

.my-custom-camera-preview-content {
  --background: transparent;

If the camera preview is not displaying after applying the above styles, apply transparent background color to the root div element of the parent component Ex: VueJS >> App.vue component

  <ion-app id="app">
    <ion-router-outlet />

#app {
  background-color: transparent !important;


<info>Stops the camera preview instance.</info><br/>



<info>Switch between rear and front camera only for android and ios, web is not supported</info>

<!-- ### switchCamera([successCallback, errorCallback]) <info>Switch between the rear camera and front camera, if available.</info><br/> ```javascript CameraPreview.switchCamera(); ``` ### show([successCallback, errorCallback]) <info>Show the camera preview box.</info><br/> ```javascript CameraPreview.show(); ``` ### hide([successCallback, errorCallback]) <info>Hide the camera preview box.</info><br/> ```javascript CameraPreview.hide(); ``` -->


qualitynumber(optional) The picture quality, 0 - 100, default 85
widthnumber(optional) The picture width, default 0 (Device default)
heightnumber(optional) The picture height, default 0 (Device default)
<!-- <info>Take the picture. If width and height are not specified or are 0 it will use the defaults. If width and height are specified, it will choose a supported photo size that is closest to width and height specified and has closest aspect ratio to the preview. The argument `quality` defaults to `85` and specifies the quality/compression value: `0=max compression`, `100=max quality`.</info><br/> -->
import { CameraPreviewPictureOptions } from '@capacitor-community/camera-preview';

const cameraPreviewPictureOptions: CameraPreviewPictureOptions = {
  quality: 50

const result = await CameraPreview.capture(cameraPreviewPictureOptions);
const base64PictureData = result.value;

// do sometime with base64PictureData


qualitynumber(optional) The picture quality, 0 - 100, default 85

<info>Captures a sample image from the video stream. Only for Android and iOS, web implementation falls back to capture method. This can be used to perform real-time analysis on the current frame in the video. The argument quality defaults to 85 and specifies the quality/compression value: 0=max compression, 100=max quality.</info><br/>

import { CameraSampleOptions } from '@capacitor-community/camera-preview';

const cameraSampleOptions: CameraSampleOptions = {
  quality: 50

const result = await CameraPreview.captureSample(cameraSampleOptions);
const base64PictureData = result.value;

// do something with base64PictureData


<info>Get the flash modes supported by the camera device currently started. Returns an array containing supported flash modes. See <code>FLASH_MODE</code> for possible values that can be returned</info><br/>

import { CameraPreviewFlashMode } from '@capacitor-community/camera-preview';

const flashModes = await CameraPreview.getSupportedFlashModes();
const supportedFlashModes: CameraPreviewFlashMode[] = flashModes.result;


<info>Set the flash mode. See <code>FLASH_MODE</code> for details about the possible values for flashMode.</info><br/>

const CameraPreviewFlashMode: CameraPreviewFlashMode = 'torch';


startRecordVideo(options) ---- ANDROID and iOS only

<info>Start capturing video</info><br/>

const cameraPreviewOptions: CameraPreviewOptions = {
  position: 'front',
  width: window.screen.width,
  height: window.screen.height,


stopRecordVideo() ---- ANDROID and iOS only

<info>Finish capturing a video. The captured video will be returned as a file path and the video format is .mp4</info><br/>

const resultRecordVideo = await CameraPreview.stopRecordVideo();

setOpacity(options: CameraOpacityOptions): Promise<{}>; ---- ANDROID only

<info>Set the opacity for the camera preview</info><br/>

const myCamera = CameraPreview.start({enableOpacity: true});
myCamera.setOpacity({opacity: 0.4});


<a name="camera_Settings.FlashMode"></a>


<info>Flash mode settings:</info><br/>

RED_EYEstringred-eyeAndroid Only
<!-- # Settings <a name="camera_Settings.FocusMode"></a> ### FOCUS_MODE <info>Focus mode settings:</info><br/> | Name | Type | Default | Note | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | FIXED | string | fixed | | | AUTO | string | auto | | | CONTINUOUS | string | continuous | IOS Only | | CONTINUOUS_PICTURE | string | continuous-picture | Android Only | | CONTINUOUS_VIDEO | string | continuous-video | Android Only | | EDOF | string | edof | Android Only | | INFINITY | string | infinity | Android Only | | MACRO | string | macro | Android Only | <a name="camera_Settings.FlashMode"></a> ### FLASH_MODE <info>Flash mode settings:</info><br/> | Name | Type | Default | Note | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | OFF | string | off | | | ON | string | on | | | AUTO | string | auto | | | RED_EYE | string | red-eye | Android Only | | TORCH | string | torch | | <a name="camera_Settings.CameraDirection"></a> ### CAMERA_DIRECTION <info>Camera direction settings:</info><br/> | Name | Type | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | BACK | string | back | | FRONT | string | front | <a name="camera_Settings.ColorEffect"></a> ### COLOR_EFFECT <info>Color effect settings:</info><br/> | Name | Type | Default | Note | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | AQUA | string | aqua | Android Only | | BLACKBOARD | string | blackboard | Android Only | | MONO | string | mono | | | NEGATIVE | string | negative | | | NONE | string | none | | | POSTERIZE | string | posterize | | | SEPIA | string | sepia | | | SOLARIZE | string | solarize | Android Only | | WHITEBOARD | string | whiteboard | Android Only | <a name="camera_Settings.ExposureMode"></a> ### EXPOSURE_MODE <info>Exposure mode settings:</info><br/> | Name | Type | Default | Note | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | AUTO | string | auto | IOS Only | | CONTINUOUS | string | continuous | | | CUSTOM | string | custom | | | LOCK | string | lock | IOS Only | Note: Use AUTO to allow the device automatically adjusts the exposure once and then changes the exposure mode to LOCK. <a name="camera_Settings.WhiteBalanceMode"></a> ### WHITE_BALANCE_MODE <info>White balance mode settings:</info><br/> | Name | Type | Default | Note | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | LOCK | string | lock | | | AUTO | string | auto | | | CONTINUOUS | string | continuous | IOS Only | | INCANDESCENT | string | incandescent | | | CLOUDY_DAYLIGHT | string | cloudy-daylight | | | DAYLIGHT | string | daylight | | | FLUORESCENT | string | fluorescent | | | SHADE | string | shade | | | TWILIGHT | string | twilight | | | WARM_FLUORESCENT | string | warm-fluorescent | | # IOS Quirks It is not possible to use your computers webcam during testing in the simulator, you must device test. # Customize Android Support Library versions (Android only) The default `ANDROID_SUPPORT_LIBRARY_VERSION` is set to `26+`. If you need a different version, add argument `--variable ANDROID_SUPPORT_LIBRARY_VERSION="{version}"`. Or edit `config.xml` with following, ```xml <plugin name="cordova-plugin-camera-preview" spec="X.X.X"> <variable name="ANDROID_SUPPORT_LIBRARY_VERSION" value="26+" /> </plugin> ``` # Sample App <a href="https://github.com/cordova-plugin-camera-preview/cordova-plugin-camera-preview-sample-app">cordova-plugin-camera-preview-sample-app</a> for a complete working Cordova example for Android and iOS platforms. # Screenshots <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cordova-plugin-camera-preview/cordova-plugin-camera-preview/master/img/android-1.png"/> <img hspace="20" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cordova-plugin-camera-preview/cordova-plugin-camera-preview/master/img/android-2.png"/> # Credits Maintained by [Weston Ganger](https://westonganger.com) - [@westonganger](https://github.com/westonganger) Created by Marcel Barbosa Pinto [@mbppower](https://github.com/mbppower) Â -->


A working example can be found at Demo

To run the demo on your local network and access media devices, a secure context is needed. Add an .env file at the root of the demo folder with HTTPS=true to start react with HTTPS.