

Nazo ML (nml)

This is an experimental implementation of temporal-logic-based Hindley-Milner type system.

This is (currently) not for practical use.


In NML, technically, there are three temporal modal operators: Next(○), Finally(◇), and Globally(□).

The basic idea of NML's type system is that every non-temporal type is □-type.

This restriction makes it able to explicitly insert run when we want to "lift" ("fmap", or whatever) a function and then apply it to a delayed (quoted) term.

Non-formal explanation

Delayed term/type

(@ 1 @) has type Next[1] Nat, which means that we can obtain a Nat value at the next stage.

Also, <@ 1 @> has type Finally Nat, which means that we can obtain a Nat value at some stage in the future. So, Finally Nat essentially means Next[inf] Nat.

Lifted let expression

let-next x = (@ 1 @) in
if eq x 0 then

is the equivalent of

let x = (@ 1 @) in
  if eq (run[1] x) 0 then

, delays the computation, and thus has type Next[1] Bool.


let-finally x = <@ 1 @> in x + 1

is the equivalent of

let x = <@ 1 @> in <@ (run[inf] x) + 1 @>

and has type Finally Nat.

Useful example: I/O

The classical "scan" function can be thought as a function that returns a delayed value.

> readNat;;
type: Unit -> Next[1] Nat

Now we can use this like:

let-next x = readNat () in
let-next y = readNat () in
let-next z = readNat () in
(x + y) * z

Subtyping by stage

In NML, there is a built-in subtyping relation based on stage:

a <: Next[1] a <: Next[2] a <: ... <: Next[inf] a = Finally a

This means that, for example, a function with type Finally a -> b can also be applied to a value with type Next[n] a for any n, including 0 (= a).

See further example below:

subtyping example

NML and real-world linearity

The execution of a NML program is defined as

eval :: Next[n] a -> a (for any n in [0,inf])
eval program = run[inf] program

Each computation in each stage is kept pure functional:

This ensures the linearity of the whole execution, while

Also, it should be doable to express parallel computation in this type system as

parallel :: List (Finally a) -> Finally (List a)

, and I'm currently investigating it.


Practical things

Type system extensions

Runtime improvements


GPL v3