


Snippets to make importing Ember modules a snap in VSCode.



NOTE: The prefix to trigger these snippets has changed from E. to E: due to changes to the way VSCode deals with the "." character.

All of these snippets are preceeded by a E: (E-colon)

Where you might have in the past said Ember.get, with ember-module-snippets you can type E:get followed by ctrl-space to get these artisinal, grass-fed, snippets for Ember.js. Fuzzy matches work as expected (E:bj brings up Ember.Object, etc).

The Ember.js Module Unification project is an important precursor to unlocking a good bit of future functionality.

The data for these snippets is based on: https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-rfc176-data The version of this extension is based on https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-rfc176-data/releases

And the raw json version: https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-rfc176-data/blob/master/mappings.json

Bonus Snippets: E:super = this._super(...arguments);

Imports from @ember/test-helpers

Running conversion script locally

  1. Clone repo
  2. npm i
  3. node converter.js


  1. Install Visual Studio Code 1.10.0 or higher
  2. Launch Visual Studio Code
  3. From the command palette ctrl-shift-p (Windows, Linux) or cmd-shift-P (OSX)
  4. Select Install Extension
  5. Choose extension ember-module-snippets
  6. Reload Visual Studio Code
