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What's this?

Visual Studio Code extension to format JavaScript code using popular styleguides like airbnb, standardjs, google, facebook, etc. Based on eslint and prettier. Based on prettier-eslint-gallery


This project is still not published in the official marketplace - for installing you must install it locally:

cd $HOME/.vscode/extensions # or in windows cd %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions
git clone https://github.com/cancerberoSgx/prettier-eslint-gallery-vscode-extension.git
cd prettier-eslint-gallery-vscode-extension
npm install


In vscode User Settings you can configure which style guide you want to configure with property "prettier-eslint-gallery.style" . If you want to force ecma 5 compatible output you can use property "prettier-eslint-gallery.mode": "default_es5"

Then open any JavaScript file, enter control-shift-p search for "Format JavaScript with prettier-eslint-gallery". This will format the current editor - you must save the file after that.

Note: the first time it could take a couple of seconds to the tool to do the fomatting - but next runs will be must faster