Editor framework focusing in automatic GUI / forms generation from JSON model Objects.
This is currently a WORK IN PROGRESS project and an INVESTIGATION about best ways of using a JavaScript building frameworks. In particular grunt is used and it has a simple usage of the following grunt extensions: jshint, underscore templates, jasmine for unit testing, yuidocs, and more.
Dependencies: underscore js.
Distributed under the MIT license
Compiling it
Install nodejs on your system
cd jseditors
npm install
If all goes fine, then files will be available under the dist/ folder.
Some Notes
This is a very new / investigation project!
It defines an extendible / scalable abstract model, utilities and data types not existing in javascript like colors, etc.
The first implementation will be pure HTML 5 with no particular style or widgets and using html5 advanced inputs for data and color.
Use case example:
var obj = {name: 'Seba', age: 29};
var ed = new editors.ObjectEditor({formType: 'inline', value: obj});
ed.flush(); //the editor will modify its value and this is the same value referenced by 'obj', 'ed.get('value')'
window.alert('Edited name=');
Roadmap & ideas
- be able of creating an object editor from a form element.
- be compatible with serverside nodejs/rhino for generating real markup. support pure string rendering.