Apache Camel for Eclipse
This is a preview release of the Eclipse plugin that adds Apache Camel language support for XML DSL and Java DSL code.
After you add this extension to your Eclipse IDE installation, when you use the generic Eclipse text editor, you can access the following Apache Camel language service features for Apache Camel URIs (both XML DSL and Java DSL):
Auto-completion for Camel components, attributes, and the list of attribute values
Quick reference documentation when you hover the cursor over a Camel component
Provide a specific Camel catalog version through preferences
Provide a specific runtime provider of Camel catalog through preferences
Specify Kafka connection URl through preferences for dynamic completion on Camel kafka component
Specify a list of additional Camel components
When you use the XML or Java editor, only the auto-completion feature is provided.
For detailed information about Apache Camel supported features, see the Language Server GitHub page.
Before you begin
Install the Eclipse IDE.
Optionally, you can install this plugin on top of an Eclipse IDE installation with Red Hat CodeReady Studio and Fuse Tooling. This Apache Camel for Eclipse plugin provides even more help for Fuse development.
Install the Eclipse Marketplace client. In Eclipse, select Help > Install New Software and then type MPC. Follow the prompts in the installation wizard.
How to Install
To install this Apache Camel for Eclipse plugin:
Open your Eclipse IDE installation.
Wait until Eclipse completes the installation of the plugin.
In the popup window that appears when the plugin installation completes, click Confirm.
Accept the license, if asked.
Click Finish.
Click Install Anyway.
Click Restart Now.