

Arc2Face ComfyUI Node Library

This ComfyUI node library builds upon the work done to train the Arc2Face model by foivospar. It provides a set of nodes for ComfyUI that allow users to extract face embeddings, generate images based on these embeddings, and perform image-to-image transformations.




  1. Clone this repository into your ComfyUI custom_nodes directory:

    cd /path/to/ComfyUI/custom_nodes
    git clone https://github.com/caleboleary/ComfyUI-Arc2Face.git
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    or for portable:

    python_embeded\python.exe -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Download the necessary model files (see the "Model Files" section below).


Trouble installing insightface? reactor has a nice troubleshooting step

Model Files

To use this node library, you need to download the following files and place them in your ComfyUI models folder with the structure shown below:

  1. From camenduru/Arc2Face on Hugging Face, download:

    • scrfd_10g_bnkps.onnx
    • arcface.onnx
  2. From FoivosPar/Arc2Face on Hugging Face, download:

    • arc2face/config.json
    • arc2face/diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors
    • encoder/config.json
    • encoder/pytorch_model.bin

Place these files in your ComfyUI models folder with the following structure:

└── models/
    ├── antelopev2/
    │   ├── scrfd_10g_bnkps.onnx
    │   └── arcface.onnx
    └── arc2face_checkpoints/
        ├── config.json
        ├── diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors
        └── encoder/
            ├── config.json
            └── pytorch_model.bin

Ensure that you maintain this exact directory structure for the node library to function correctly.


After installation and downloading the model files, you'll find the following nodes available in ComfyUI:

  1. Arc2Face Face Extractor
    • Extracts all faces from a single input image (have tested as many as 64), averages them using the selected averaging scheme, and outputs the embedding the generators expect. Use the grid generator below for easy directory load.
  2. Arc2Face UNet Loader
    • load the arc2face model itself
  3. Arc2Face Encoder Loader
    • load the encoder model
  4. Arc2Face Generator
    • take in embedding and output images
  5. Arc2Face Img2Img Generator
    • take in embedding, init image, and denoise and perform img2img
  6. Arc2Face Image Grid Generator
    • take in directory path, load all images, append them into 1 single large grid image to easily pass to face extractor

You can use these nodes to create workflows for face-based image generation and transformation in ComfyUI.


find the json workflows for these in the examples folder.

Simplest usage

single face image generation

Multiple faces (tends to have better results)

multiple face image generation

Face Mixing

mixing two distinct faces


image to image with input faces




By using this node, you agree to:

  1. Legal & Ethical Use: Comply with all applicable laws and use this technology ethically.
  2. Consent: Obtain consent from individuals before using their likeness.
  3. No Harmful Content: Refrain from creating deepfakes, pornography, or content that harasses or defames others.
  4. Transparency: Disclose when content has been altered using this technology.
  5. Intellectual Property: Respect copyrights and other IP rights.
  6. No Impersonation: Don't use for fraudulent impersonation.

Note: This node is provided "as is" without warranties. The creator is not liable for misuse or any consequences arising from its use.

By using this node, you acknowledge and agree to these terms. Use responsibly.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
