

Data-Free Model Extraction

This repository complements the Data-Free Model Extraction paper, that will be published at the 2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

This project was conducted in collaboration between the Cake Lab at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and the University of Toronto and the Vector Institute.



author = {Truong, Jean-Baptiste and Maini, Pratyush and Walls, Robert J. and Papernot, Nicolas},
title = {Data-Free Model Extraction},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2021}


The code requires dependencies that can be installed using the pip environment file provided:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Replicating DFME Results

Load Victim Model Weights

First, download the pretrained victim model weights from this dropbox. The two file names are cifar10-resnet34_8x.pt and svhn-resnet34_8x.pt. The CIFAR10 weights were found on the Data Free Adversarial Distillation dropbox, while we trained the SVHN model ourselves.

Then, store the pre-trained model weights at the following location


Perform Model Extraction

bash run_cifar_dfme.sh
bash run_svhn_dfme.sh

Logs and saved models can be found at save_results/{victim_dataset}/

Surrogate Benchmarking

Standard model extraction attacks can be performed using the code in the folder surrogate_benchmark.

cd surrogate_benchmark
python train.py --surrogate {surrogate_dataset} --target {target_dataset} --temp {temperature_value} --lr_mode 1 --epochs 50

Typically, using temperature_value in {1,3,5} provides good extraction results. The number of epochs may be reduced to 30 in case the target dataset is svhn.


This repository was built on code from the paper Data Free Adversarial Distillation. The weights and model architectures for Resnet34-8x and Resnet18_8x were also found on the repository released with the Data Free Adversarial Distillation paper.