

February 2024: new release v97: new global to deactivate the standard Windows shortcut "LWIN tapped -> open Start menu"

July 2023: v95 new option to include/exclude specific keyboards, see <a href="https://github.com/cajhin/capsicain/wiki/Keyword%3A-OPTION#option-includedeviceid-searchstring">IncludeDeviceId</a>

December 2022: Windows 11 update 22H2 breaks minimize to tray, see Wiki for a <a href="https://github.com/cajhin/capsicain/wiki/X-doesn't-work#windows-11-version-22h2-cannot-minimize-to-tray">fix</a>


Keyboard configuration tool that re-maps keys and modifier-key-combos at a very low level.

Created for productivity and fast keyboard layout prototyping, but also works for gaming.
(Might be useful to work around handicaps, but I have no experience. Open an issue if you need a special feature).

Uses the Interception driver to receive keys before almost everyone else.

Quick links


I touch type. I code. I need a keyboard setup where I can keep my fingers on the home row most of the time.
Also, my layout cured my RSI, and I'm a seriously fast coder/editor on any keyboard (and I never need to learn non-standard laptop keyboards).

Earlier versions were very focused on my own configuration. Latest versions are fully configurable.


Core commands

Help! I've broken something and can't use my keyboard!

Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Involved

Feel free to open an issue to ask questions.
I'm willing to help, and interested in ideas.
You're also welcome to start a discussion