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Notebook Twitter

Notebook is a frontend note taking plugin for Caido.

This plugin gives you the ability to consolidate your notes as you work directly within the Caido application.



Installation: Documentation Example

If you are looking for the version of the Notebook plugin created in the documentation guide:

  1. Go to the Notebook Releases tab and download the latest notebook_v1.0.0.zip package.
  2. In your Caido instance, navigate to the Plugins page, click Install Package and select the downloaded notebook_v1.0.0.zip package.
  3. Done! 🎉

Installation: Latest

For Notebook with additional features:

  1. Go to the Notebook Releases tab and download the latest release.
  2. In your Caido instance, navigate to the Plugins page, click Install Package and select the downloaded package.
  3. Done! 🎉


To add a note:

  1. Supply input in the textarea located at the bottom and click the Add Note button.
  2. Highlight select text within a request/response pane and click the >_ Commands button located at the topbar in the upper-right corner. Search/Select Add Note to Notebook.
  3. Highlight select text within a request/response pane and open the context menu by right-clicking. Hover over the Plugins item and select Add Note to Notebook.
  4. CTRL+C within request and response panes and CTRL+V into the textarea.

To edit a note:

  1. Click inside the note column.
  2. Unfocus once done.

To add a comment:

  1. Supply input in the textarea in the third column.
  2. Unfocus once done.

To clear all notes:

This will reset the notes in storage. This action cannot be undone.

  1. Click the >_ Commands button located at the topbar in the upper-right corner. Search/Select Clear Notes in Notebook.


If you'd like to request a feature, suggest an improvement or report a bug - please create a Github Issue.