

NuGet Nuget Coverage Status


Command line tool for running tSQLt unit tests from MSBuild.Sdk.SqlProj projects inside throwaway instances of Docker containers for all compatible SQL Server images.


Install the tool from the package:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sqltest

Update the tool to newer version:

dotnet tool update --global dotnet-sqltest

Invoke the tool:

sqltest runall [options]

  -i, --image <image>          Docker image.
  -p, --project <project>      Database project.
  -c, --collation <collation>  Server collation.
  -r, --result <file>          Save result to JUnit XML file.
  --cc-cobertura <file>        Save code coverage to Cobertura XML file.
  --cc-disable                 Disable code coverage.
  --cc-include-tsqlt           Include code coverage of tSQLt schema.
  -?, -h, --help               Show help and usage information


Running all tSQLt tests inside throwaway SQL Server container:

sqltest runall --project Database.Tests/Ok --image mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server

Preparing database... 6 s
Deploying database... 10 s
Running all tests.... 435 ms
Gathering coverage... 1 s
Uncovered statements:
  [dbo].[Example]: SELECT A = 1 INTO #Example
  [dbo].[Example]: UPDATE #Example SET [...]
Failed: 0, Passed: 1, Coverage: 60% (3/5), Duration: 18 s


dotnet-sqltest is build with .NET 6 and 8.

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