

Core Charts | Basic Chart Library for iOS

CocoaPods Compatible CocoaPods Compatible

<img src="https://github.com/cagricolak/CoreCharts/blob/master/docs/showcase.png" width="400" height="300"><img src="https://github.com/cagricolak/CoreCharts/blob/master/docs/showcase2.png" width="400" height="300">

Getting Started

You need a Cocoapods installed mac, if you are not familiar that visit here CocoaPods



Add your pod file

pod 'CoreCharts'

and than hit the your command line

pod install 

now you are ready to use CoreCharts


import where you want to use

import CoreCharts

and than open up your storyboard or xib file and add new UIView drop your main view. afterwards change subclass to Vertical for VCoreBarChart or Horizontal chart for HCoreBarChart

alt text

referance it!

@IBOutlet weak var barChart: VCoreBarChart!

most important setup is ready, now you can use some of featuristic CoreChart's properties.

firstly you need conform your class to data source protocol,

class DemoViewController: UIViewController,CoreChartViewDataSource {

    @IBOutlet weak var barChart: VCoreBarChart!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        barChart.dataSource = self

now, you have two methods, implement it.

func loadCoreChartData() -> [CoreChartEntry]

optional func didTouch(entryData: CoreChartEntry)

loadCoreChartData method is fill your bar charts, you need to convert your data to CoreChartEntry type

func loadCoreChartData() -> [CoreChartEntry] {

        var allCityData = [CoreChartEntry]()
        let cityNames = ["Istanbul","Antalya","Ankara","Trabzon","İzmir"]
        let plateNumber = [34,07,06,61,35]
        for index in 0..<cityNames.count {
            let newEntry = CoreChartEntry(id: "\(plateNumber[index])", 
                                          barTitle: cityNames[index], 
                                          barHeight: Double(plateNumber[index]), 
                                          barColor: rainbowColor())
        return allCityData


CoreChartEntry properties

One more thing..

optional func didTouch(entryData: CoreChartEntry)

this method is optional and when you want to navigate your chart screens each other through selected your data level

data level means: Running a query on your data structures with id


Here is the full code as you have just been told, and already in the demo project.

import CoreCharts

class DemoViewController: UIViewController,CoreChartViewDataSource {

    @IBOutlet weak var barChart: VCoreBarChart!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        barChart.dataSource = self
    func didTouch(entryData: CoreChartEntry) {
    func loadCoreChartData() -> [CoreChartEntry] {
        return getTurkeyFamouseCityList()
    func getTurkeyFamouseCityList()->[CoreChartEntry] {
        var allCityData = [CoreChartEntry]()
        let cityNames = ["Istanbul","Antalya","Ankara","Trabzon","İzmir"]
        let plateNumber = [34,07,06,61,35]
        for index in 0..<cityNames.count {
            let newEntry = CoreChartEntry(id: "\(plateNumber[index])", 
                                          barTitle: cityNames[index], 
                                          barHeight: Double(plateNumber[index]), 
                                          barColor: rainbowColor())
        return allCityData

Appearance Customization

CoreBarChartsDisplayConfig Class

You can change ui appearance for charts with CoreBarChartsDisplayConfig class and there have properties, here is the how to do this.

Direct use

You can use one shot initializer

import CoreCharts

class DemoViewController: UIViewController,CoreChartViewDataSource {

    @IBOutlet weak var barChart: VCoreBarChart!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        barChart.dataSource = self
        barChart.displayConfig = CoreBarChartsDisplayConfig(barWidth: 40.0,
                                                            barSpace: 20.0,
                                                            bottomSpace: 20.0,
                                                            topSpace: 20.0,
                                                            backgroundColor: UIColor.black,
                                                            titleFontSize: 12,
                                                            valueFontSize: 14,
                                                            titleFont: UIFont(),
                                                            valueFont: UIFont(),
                                                            titleLength: 12)

Spesific use

You can use only what you just need.

import CoreCharts

class DemoViewController: UIViewController,CoreChartViewDataSource {

    @IBOutlet weak var barChart: VCoreBarChart!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        barChart.dataSource = self
        bbarChart.displayConfig.barWidth = 10
        barChart.displayConfig.barSpace = 20
        barChart.displayConfig.titleFontSize = 15

Contribute are Welcome 🎉


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the CoreCharts Tagi wagi.



This project is licensed under the MIT - see the LICENSE.md file for details

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