


caffql generates c++ types and GraphQL request and response serialization logic from a GraphQL json schema file.


Command line options

-s, --schema arg     input json schema file
-o, --output arg     output generated header file
-n, --namespace arg  generated namespace (default: caffql)
-a, --absl           use absl optional and variant instead of std
-h, --help           help


caffql \
    --schema mygraphqlschema.json \
    --output GeneratedCode.hpp

Obtaining a GraphQL json schema file

Make an introspection query to your graphql endpoint and use the resulting json response as the schema parameter to caffql.

Generated Code

caffql generates a c++ header file with types necessary to perform queries.



caffql will generate request and response functions for each field of the input schema's operation types (query, subscription, and mutation). Currently only a single field can be queried at once.

All subfields and nested types of that field will be included in the query, i.e. there is no way to query a subset of a model. The benefits to this approach are that you don't have to handwrite any queries and the generated request and response functions are kept simple, while the drawback is that you can't omit any unwanted data.


GraphQL TypeGenerated C++ Type
IDId (std::string typealias)
Enumenum class
Interfacestruct containing std::variant of possible implementations
Unionvariant of possible types
Nullable fieldsoptional

Type considerations and forwards compatibility


For forwards compatibility, a special Unknown case is generated. Enum values that the client is unaware of will be deserialized to the Unknown case.


Interfaces are generated as structs with an implementation member that is a std::variant of the possible implementations of the interface. For each field of the interface, a member function is generated that visits the implementation and returns the field.

An alternative approach would be to use a pure abstract class for the interface and have the implementations inherit from it. However, that approach prevents using the interface type as a simple value type (which would require implementing something like a polymorphic value-copying smart pointer).

For forwards compatibility, a special Unknown<InterfaceName> type is generated that contains the fields of the interface. Interface implementations that the client is unaware of will deserialize to the Unknown<InterfaceName> type.


For forwards compatibility, the generated std::variant adds std::monostate as a possible type to handle unknown types that the client is unaware of.