


Under development.

Based in open_model_zoo projetct demo, the assisted communication system employs advanced computer vision technologies, using the OpenCV and OpenVINO libraries, to provide an interactive solution for patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

Through OpenCV, an open-source library designed for real-time computer vision applications, the system captures and processes live video images, enabling the identification and tracking of the user's eye movements.

OpenVINO, an Intel tool for optimizing computer vision inference, works in conjunction with OpenCV to accelerate applications, ensuring quick and efficient responses, which are essential for real-time interaction.

By utilizing the gaze estimation technique, the system can accurately determine the direction of the user's gaze, transforming eye movements into navigation commands through a virtual menu overlaid on the live video.

This approach allows ALS patients to interact with the system intuitively, selecting menu options simply with their gaze. This method not only facilitates communication for individuals with limited mobility but also provides a form of interaction that preserves the user's autonomy, enabling them to express themselves and perform tasks independently, despite the challenges posed by the condition.
