


can2mqtt connects a CAN-Bus to an MQTT broker and vice versa. You create pairs of CAN-Bus IDs and MQTT topics and choose a conversion mode between them.

Here you can see can2mqtt in action: can2mqtt demo


The latest compiled binary is available in the releases. The binaries are statically linked and have no further dependencies. On a Raspberry you can install via:

wget https://github.com/c3re/can2mqtt/releases/download/v2.3.0/can2mqtt-v2.3.0-linux-arm -O can2mqtt
chmod +x can2mqtt


The commandline parameters are the following:

./can2mqtt -f <can2mqtt.csv>  -m <mqtt-connectstring> [-v] -c <can-interface>

<can2mqtt.csv> is the configurations where your can2mqtt pairs are set.

<mqtt-connectstring> is a URL that is used to connect to your MQTT-Broker. username and password can be supplied like this: tcp://user:pass@host:port.

<can-interface> refers to the name of a socket-can interface on your computer that you want to bridge with can2mqtt. In case you have no idea what a socket-can interface is or how to configure it, read how do i get a socket-can interface?.

An additional -v flag can be passed to get verbose debug output.

Here is a full, working example:

./can2mqtt -f /etc/can2mqtt.csv -c can0 -m tcp://


The file can2mqtt.csv has three columns. In the first column you need to specify the CAN-ID as a decimal number. In the second column you have to specify the convert-mode. You can find a list of available convert-modes below. In the last column you have to specify the MQTT-Topic. Each CAN-ID and each MQTT-Topic is allowed to appear only once in the whole file.



Explanation for the 1st Line: For example our Doorstatus is published on the CAN-Bus every second with the CAN-ID 112 (decimal). can2mqtt will take everything that is published there and will push it through to mqtt-topic huette/all/a03/door/sensors/opened.


Here they are:

nonedoes not convert anything. It just takes a bunch of bytes and hands it over to the other side. If you want to send strings, this will be your choice. If you have a mqtt payload that is longer than eight bytes, only the first eight bytes will be send via CAN.
bytecolor2colorcodeConverts an bytearray of 3 bytes to hexadecimal colorcode
pixelbin2asciiThis mode was designed to address colorized pixels. MQTT-wise you can insert a string like "<0-255> #RRGGBB" which will be converted to 4 byte on the CAN-BUS the first byte will be the number of the LED 0-255 and bytes 1, 2, 3 are the color of red, green and blue.
16bool2asciiInterprets two bytes can-wise and publishes them as 16 boolean values to mqtt
{i}[u]int{b}2asciii is the amount of instances of numbers in the CAN-Frame/the MQTT-message. Valid instance amounts are currently 1,2,4 and 8. Although other combinations are possible. Might be added in the future, if the need arises. b is the size of each number in bits. Supported values are 8,16,32 and 64. You can use either one unsigned or signed integers. This are all possible combinations: int82ascii, 2int82ascii, 4int82ascii, 8int82ascii, int162ascii, 2int162ascii, 4int162ascii, int322ascii, 2int322ascii, int642ascii, uint82ascii, 2uint82ascii, 4uint82ascii, 8uint82ascii, uint162ascii, 2uint162ascii, 4uint162ascii, uint322ascii, 2uint322ascii, uint642ascii

Unidirectional Mode

Normally can2mqtt works in bidirectional mode, that means all messages from the CAN-bus are send to mqtt and vice versa. If you wish you can run can2mqtt in a unidirectional mode to only send messages from can to mqtt or only mqtt to can. To do so you have to use the flag -d with one fo the following settings:

0bidirectional mode, messages will be send from can to mqtt and vice versa
1unidirectional mode, messages will only be send from CAN-Bus to mqtt broker
2unidirectional mode, messages will only be send from mqtt broker to the CAN-Bus

How do I get a socket-can interface?

You can either use a hardware interface or setup a virtual socket-can interface.

Hardware interface

There are many articles on the internet on how to get a can interface in Linux. The important part here is that you get a socket-can interface in the end. But in most cases this is possible. For example the MCP2515 chip can be used with the SPI interface of a raspberry to create a socket-can interface. There is a driver for the ELM327 chip too. Serial-to-CAN converters can be used too via slcand.

Virtual interface

For testing purposes or to just get you going you can use vcan a virtual can interface that comes with Linux itself. You can configure it for example like this:

sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan
sudo ip link set vcan0 up

Now you can use your new interface vcan0 as socket-can interface with can2mqtt.


To debug the behaviour of can2mqtt you need to be able to send and receive CAN frames and MQTT messages. For MQTT I recommend mosquitto with its mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub commands. For CAN i recommend can-utils with its tools cansend and candump.

Add a convert-Mode

If you want to add a convert-Mode think about a name. This is the name that you can later refer to when you want to use your convert-Mode in the can2mqtt.csv config-file. Now, use the file src/convertmode/mymode.go as a template for your own convertmode. Copy that file to src/convertmode/<yournewmode>.go. Now change all occurrences of "MyMode" with your preferred Name (Lets say YourNewMode in this example). Note that it has to start with an upper-case letter, so that it is usable outside of this package. Next you have to write three functions (implement the ConvertMode interface):

  1. A conversion method from CAN -> MQTT: ToMqtt(input can.Frame) ([]byte, error)
  2. A conversion method from MQTT -> CAN: ToCan(input []byte) (can.Frame, error)
  3. A String() string method that reports the name of that convertmode. This method is used in some log-messages

Your almost done, the last step is to "register" your new convertmode. To do so add the following line to src/main.go#L72

convertModeFromString[convertmode.<YourNewMode>{}.String()] = convertmode.<YourNewMode>{}

Now you can use your new convertmode in your can2mqtt.csv config File. Use the string that your return in the String() function as the name of the convertmode. In the mymode.go code this is "mymode".

Good luck & happy hacking ✌