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Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) utilities for Elixir


To use this library, just add :cidr as a dependency to your mix.exs file:

defp deps do
    {:cidr, ">= 1.1.0"}


Passing an IP address string into CIDR.parse returns a %CIDR{} struct. It contains the first and the last address of the range as Erlang IP tuples, the amount of hosts the range covers and the network mask.

iex(1)> cidr = "" |> CIDR.parse
%CIDR{first: {1, 2, 3, 0}, last: {1, 2, 3, 255}, hosts: 256, mask: 24}

You can query the struct for all of its fields:

iex(2)> cidr.first
{1, 2, 3, 0}
iex(3)> cidr.hosts

And use it to see if other IP addresses fall in the same range:

iex(4)> cidr |> CIDR.match!({1,2,3,100})
iex(5)> cidr |> CIDR.match!({1,2,4,1})

The match!/2 function also supports IP strings:

iex(6)> cidr |> CIDR.match!("")
iex(7)> cidr |> CIDR.match!("")

Please note that match!/2 throws an ArgumentError when you pass in a value that does not represent a valid IP address or when you try to match an IPv4 address with an IPv6 range and vice-versa. We also provide match/2, a non-throwing version that returns tagged tuples:

iex(8)> cidr |> CIDR.match("")
{:ok, true}
iex(9)> cidr |> CIDR.match("")
{:ok, false}
iex(10)> cidr |> CIDR.match("")
{:error, "Tuple is not a valid IP address."}

IPv4 deaggregation works as well. It returns a list of the largest possible networks for an IPv4 range in the format of $first_ip-$last_ip:

iex(1)> CIDR.parse_range("")
  %CIDR{first: {192, 168, 1, 0}, hosts: 256, last: {192, 168, 1, 255}, mask: 24},
  %CIDR{first: {192, 168, 2, 0}, hosts: 1, last: {192, 168, 2, 0}, mask: 32}


See Collective Code Construction Contract (C4)


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