

AceTime Tools

Python Tools

These are various scripts and tools which parse the IANA TZ database and generate zoneinfo datasets for the AceTime Arduino library and the acetimepy library. These tools used to be in the AceTime project itself, but was extracted into a separate repo to support other languages and environments.

Version: v1.8.3 (2024-07-26)

Changelog: CHANGELOG.md

<a name="Installation"></a>


This project is not on PyPI yet, so you must install it from the git repo.

$ git clone github.com/bxparks/AceTimeTools
$ cd AceTimeTools
$ pip3 install -e .

Summary of Tools

Here is a quick summary of the various tools:

TZ Compiler (tzcompiler.py)

The TZ Database processing pipeline for tzcompiler.py looks something like this:

Python packages     Python files/classes/data
===============     =========================

                      TZDB files
  .------>                |
  |                       v
extractor            Extractor.parse()
  |                       |     (PoliciesMap, ZonesMap, LinksMap)
  |                       |
  +------>                v
  |                 Transformer
  |                       |
  |                       |
  |                       v
  |               ArduinoTransformer
  |                       |
  |                       v
  |                BufSizeEstimator <---> acetimepy/
transformers              |               zone_processor
  |                       v
  |                   Commenter
  |                       |
  |                       v
  |                 GoTransformer
  |                       |
  +------>                |
  |                       v
  |             create_zone_info_database()
typing                    |
  |                       v
  |                ZoneInfoDatabase
  |                 /     |     \
  +------>         /      |      \
  |               /       |       ------------------------.
  |              /        |                  \             \
generator       /         |                   \             \
  |            v          v                    v             v
  |   argenerator.py   pygenerator.py    jsongenerator.py  zonelist
  |          /            |                    |           generator.py
  `--->     /             |                    |                \
           v              v                    v                 v
zone_infos.{h,cpp}      zone_infos.py       zonedb.json      zones.txt
zone_policies.{h,cpp}   zone_policies.py                         |
zone_registry.{h,cpp}   zone_strings.py                          v
zone_strings.{h,cpp}         |                           (AceTimeValidation)



In the following:

Generating ZoneDB Files


$ cd $ACE_TIME/src/ace_time/zonedb
$ vi Makefile # Update the TZ_VERSION variable
$ make

$ cd $ACE_TIME/src/ace_time/zonedbx
$ vi Makefile # Update the TZ_VERSION
$ make


$ cd $ACE_TIME_PYTHON/src/acetime/zonedb
$ vi Makefile # Update the TZ_VERSION variable
$ make

Type Checking

The scripts should pass mypy type checking in strict mode:

$ make mypy

Unit Testing

The unit tests for the AceTimeTools project itself can be run with:

$ make tests

<a name="License"></a>


MIT License

<a name="FeedbackAndSupport"></a>

Feedback and Support

If you have any questions, comments, or feature requests for this library, please use the GitHub Discussions for this project. If you have bug reports, please file a ticket in GitHub Issues. Feature requests should go into Discussions first because they often have alternative solutions which are useful to remain visible, instead of disappearing from the default view of the Issue tracker after the ticket is closed.

Please refrain from emailing me directly unless the content is sensitive. The problem with email is that I cannot reference the email conversation when other people ask similar questions later.

<a name="Authors"></a>
