



This is a small Lua script for your DCS Scripts folder that makes using ControllerBuddy with DCS World even more comfortable.

The script automatically starts ControllerBuddy in local mode with a profile that matches the current player aircraft when entering a mission.


  1. Create a new folder named ControllerBuddy-DCS-Integration inside your Saved Games\DCS\Scripts folder.
  2. Place ControllerBuddy.lua into this new folder.
  3. Create a text file named Export.lua inside your Saved Games\DCS\Scripts folder with the following content: dofile(lfs.writedir()..[[Scripts\ControllerBuddy-DCS-Integration\ControllerBuddy.lua]])
    If a file named Export.lua already exists, simply append the above line to the end of the file.
  4. Create a new environment variable named CONTROLLER_BUDDY_EXECUTABLE pointing to the ControllerBuddy.exe executable in your ControllerBuddy installation folder.
  5. Create a second environment variable named CONTROLLER_BUDDY_PROFILES_DIR pointing to a folder containing your ControllerBuddy profiles.
  6. In order for ControllerBuddy to be able to match between a DCS aircraft and a profile, the profile filename must follow the following scheme: DCS_$DCS_INTERNAL_AIRCRAFT_NAME.json (e.g. DCS_FA-18C_hornet.json)

Please refer to the author's profile repository for a complete set of correctly named ControllerBuddy profiles for DCS.

License Information

GNU General Public License v3.0