

Reflective Regret

This repository contains a lot of stuff regarding the "Reflective Regret: Adventures in N64 Homebrew Development" presentation I gave at In�rcia 2021. The presentation was given at the Demoparty halls while simultaneously livestreamed to Twitch. In case you missed it, however, you can watch this recording:

Reflective Regret: Adventures in N64 Development (In�rcia 2021 Talk)

This repository is split into a bunch of folders, like so:

Regarding the ROM itself, it was finished about 5 hours before the actual presentation was given, so the code's structure is nowhere near optimal. I've since then have updated it with a fix or two and with a documentation pass, but the overall structure remains (albeit with a few comments regarding design decisions). If you're using the WindowsXP setup, compiling the ROM is just a matter of executing makeme.bat. Compiling with the ModernSDK, however, requires a rewrite of the makefile and the replacement of the Spec file with a linker script.

The ROM allows for compiling with USB output via UNFLoader, and utilizes Sausage64 for character animation. There exists a macro in config.h called EMULATOR that modifies the handling of Catherine's speed in slide01.c, which differs between emulator and console due to clock speeds. If I had more time, I would have fixed this properly by making Catherine's position update between game ticks, rather than as soon as the CPU was available.