

GraphqlD: A graphql implementation for the D Programming language


Graphql is a query language for apis. Given a query like for the schema in folder test.

  shipsselection(ids:[44,45]) {
    commander {

You get back json that looks like:

  "error": [],
  "data": {
    "shipsselection": [
        "id": 44,
        "commander": {
          "name": "Kathryn Janeway"
        "id": 45,
        "commander": {
          "name": "Jonathan Archer"

Graphiql type-ahead works, this makes schema introspection a lot nicer.


This graphql implementation is based on June 2018 spec.

Operation Execution


Schema Introspection

Comfort Features

Thank you to graphql-dot for the excelent list of features


The Documentation is still WIP, please have a look at the vibe.d project in the test folder. This file gives a good overview on how to use graphqld with vibe.d.


PRs are always welcome!

About Kaleidic Associates

We are a boutique consultancy that advises a small number of hedge fund clients. We are not accepting new clients currently, but if you are interested in working either remotely or locally in London or Hong Kong, and if you are a talented hacker with a moral compass who aspires to excellence then feel free to drop me a line: laeeth at kaleidic.io

We work with our partner Symmetry Investments, and some background on the firm can be found here:
