


A fast GUI for Homebrew written in SwiftUI

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Special Thanks

I'd like to personally thank Seb Jachec for implementing a system for getting real-time outputs of Brew commands.

Without his contribution, many of the processes that depend on real-time outputs, such as installation, uninstallation and updating of packages, would be impossible.

I'd like to personally thank Dmitri Bouniol and Ben Carlsson for coming up with a way for self-compiled builds to bypass the license check.

Without them, it would be impossible to have a free self-compiled version of the app.

Advantages of Cork

Cork is not just an interface for Homebrew. It has many features that are either very hard to accomplish using Homebrew alone, or straight-up not possible.

Things that are not possible without Cork

Things that Cork makes easier

Getting Cork

Pre-compiled, always up-to-date versions are available from my Homebrew tap. You can get access to it in a few ways:

However, if you don't want to do any of the above, you can always compile Cork yourself. See below for instructions.


Main Window

Start Page

Package Info

<p align="center"> <img alt="Package Info" src="https://i.imgur.com/U8nCdlc.png" width="28%"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img alt="Package Info - Full-size Caveats" src="https://i.imgur.com/lm2AhnX.png" width="28%"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img alt="Package Info - Minimized Caveats" src="https://i.imgur.com/KFonAHx.png" width="28%"> </p>

Tap Info

<p align="center"> <img alt="Tap Info - Formulae Only" src="https://i.imgur.com/VZi6jKK.png" width="47%"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img alt="Tap Info - Formulae and Casks" src="https://i.imgur.com/ZCDlel6.png" width="47%"> </p>

Install Package

<p align="center"> <img alt="Install Package" src="https://i.imgur.com/c5BNkl3.png" width="28%"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img alt="Install Package - Fetching Dependencies" src="https://i.imgur.com/x8qWBMO.png" width="28%"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img alt="Install Package - Installing Dependencies" src="https://i.imgur.com/dIgYKoj.png" width="28%"> </p>

Add Taps

Tap Taps

Brew Maintenance

<p align="center"> <img alt="Brew Maintenance" src="https://i.imgur.com/Ky9kjPo.png" width="47%"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img alt="Brew Maintenance Results" src="https://i.imgur.com/sxjbRg2.png" width="47%"> </p>


Do you run a blog, a magazine, make videos, or just make content about apps for fun? Get in touch at dev@corkmac.app!

I will provide you with the newest release and development version, answer any questions you have, and introduce you to Cork personally (and for free, or course), so you can focus on creating.

Compiling Cork

Compiling Cork is simple, as it does not have many dependencies. It uses Tuist to generate Xcode projects to speed up compilation.



Before you begin

Skip if you already have an Apple Developer account

  1. Enroll your account in the developer program at https://developer.apple.com/. You don't need a paid account, a free one works fine
  2. Install Xcode
  3. Add your Developer account to Xcode. To do so, in the Menu bar, click Xcode β†’ Settings, and in the window that opens, click Accounts. You can add your account there
  4. After you add your account, it will appear in the list of Apple IDs on the left of the screen. Select your account there
  5. At the bottom of the screen, click Manage Certificates...
  6. On the bottom left, click the + icon and select Apple Development
  7. When a new item appears in the list called Apple Development Certificates, you can press Done to close the account manager

Installing Tuist and Its Prerequisites

Skip if you already have Tuist and Mise installed

Installing Mise

Cork uses Mise to prevent conflicts arising from mismatched Tuist versions across Macs. Mise is a tool similar to Homebrew, but offers some advantages for Tusit specifically, like the aforementioned version synchronization.

  1. Install Mise using curl https://mise.run | sh
  2. Initialize Mise using the command you see after the installation finishes. It's located under mise: run the following to activate mise in your shell:.
    In my case, it was echo "eval \"\$(/Users/david/.local/bin/mise activate zsh)\"" >> "/Users/david/.zshrc"

[!CAUTION] Make sure to copy the command Mise itself gives you, and not the one I used above. This command is only valid for my Mac, and will not work on your machine.

  1. Add mise to your path using one of the following commands, depending on your shell.

[!TIP] zsh is the default macOS shell.

[!NOTE] If you don't know which shell you're running, use the command echo $SHELL. The last part of the output after the last slash is the name of your shell In my case, the output of the command is /bin/zsh. This means my shell is zsh

Installing Tuist

  1. Install Tuist using mise install tuist

Compiling Cork

  1. I recommend you pick a version marked by one of the version tags. Those are released versions. If you decide to compile the current state of any of the branches, you might encounter experience-breaking bugs and unfinished features
  2. Use the command git clone https://github.com/buresdv/Cork.git && cd Cork && mise use tuist@4.25.0 && tuist install && tuist generate --no-binary-cache. Xcode will open the project.
<div style= "margin-left: 1rem"> <details> <summary>What does this command do?</summary> <br> <ol> <li><code>git clone https://github.com/buresdv/Cork.git</code> downloads the source code</li> <li><code>cd Cork</code> opens the folder you downloaded Cork into</li> <li><code>mise use</code> tells your system to use version <i>4.25.0</i> of Tuist to build Cork</li> <li><code>tuist install</code> downloads all Cork pre-requisites</li> <li><code>tuist generate</code> creates the Xcode project and opens it</li> </ol> </details> </div>
  1. Wait until all the dependencies are resolved. It should take a couple minutes at most
  2. In the file browser on the left, click Cork at the very top. It's the icon with the App Store logo
  3. In the pane that opens on the right, click Signing & Capabilities at the top
  4. Under Signing, switch the Team dropdown to None
  5. Under Signing β†’ macOS, switch the Signing Certificate to Sign to Run Locally
  6. If it isn't already selected, change the Build Scheme to Self-Compiled in Xcode's toolbar. Build Scheme Selector

[!WARNING] If you don't select the correct Build Scheme, Cork will require you to put in a license.

  1. In the Menu Bar, click Product β†’ Archive and wait for the building to finish
  2. A new window will open. From the list of Cork rows, select the topmost one, and click Distribute App
  3. In the popup that appears, click Custom, then click Next in the bottom right of the popup
  4. Click Copy App
  5. Open the resulting folder. You'll see an app called Cork. Drag Cork to your /Applications/ folder, and you're done!


Cork is licensed under Commons Clause.

This means that Cork's source source is available and you can modify it, contribute to it etc., but you can't sell or distribute Cork or modified versions of it.

Moreover, you can’t distribute compiled versions of Cork without consulting me first. Compiling versions for your personal use is fine.

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