

<div align="center"> <a href="https://www.bugsnag.com/platforms/android"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://assets.smartbear.com/m/3dab7e6cf880aa2b/original/BugSnag-Repository-Header-Dark.svg"> <img alt="SmartBear BugSnag logo" src="https://assets.smartbear.com/m/3945e02cdc983893/original/BugSnag-Repository-Header-Light.svg"> </picture> </a> <h1>Error monitoring and reporting for Go</h1> </div>

Documentation Go Reference Build status

Automatically detect crashes and report errors in your Go apps. Get alerts about errors and panics in real-time, including detailed error reports with diagnostic information. Understand and resolve issues as fast as possible.

Learn more about BugSnag's Go error monitoring and error reporting solution.


Getting Started

  1. Create a BugSnag account
  2. Complete the instructions in the integration guide for your framework:
  3. Relax!



All contributors are welcome! For information on how to build, test and release bugsnag-go, see our contributing guide.


The BugSnag error reporter for Go is free software released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details.