

Simple Bottom Navigation

<p align="center"> <img src="/art/demo.gif"> </p>


When using a TabLayout within your application, using a ViewPager along with an adapter offers an easy way to quickly link up your views for display. The FragmentAdapter class takes care of all the hard work for you when it comes to switching between the views as the user selected a different item in the TabLayout. This process is made up something a little like this:

<p align="center"> <img src="/art/view_pager.png"> </p>

This is great as it allows you to decouple this presentation logic from your activities or other classes. However, when it comes to implementing the BottomNavigationView from the design support library, we're not blessed with the same niceties. This requires your activity (or fragment) that is hosting the BottomNavigationView to house the logic used for the handling of such events. We can't use the ViewPager for Bottom Navigation as the way the view works breaks the design guidelines - so we created this library here to allow you to easily create an adapter for use with Bottom Navigation so that you can work with the view in a way in which you are familiar with when it comes to the ViewPager. This setup looks a little like this:

<p align="center"> <img src="/art/view_swapper.png"> </p>

So, what is this library?

As mentioned, when using the Bottom Navigation View from the Android Support Library, there can be a lot of boilerplate code for the switching of views. Because of this, we took inspiration from the TabLayout setupWithViewPager() method and created a custom ViewSwapper component that can be attached to a Bottom Navigation View to simplify the management of view display. Within this library are three core components that you'll need to use:

But how's it different from using a ViewPager?

In the library you'll notice the ViewSwapper component. This is similar to the ViewPager except it has a view differences:

How to use

In order to use this ViewSwapper component you need to use our SimpleBottomNavigationView - this is simply an extension of the support library component with the added functionality of ViewSwapper attachment and elevation. This will look like so in your layout file:

    android:layout_above="@+id/view_bottom_navigation" />

    app:menu="@menu/main" />

Next, you'll need to create an adapter using either the FragmentStateAdapter or FragmentAdapter classes from the library. These are the essentially the same as the corresponding adapter classes found in the Android Framework. This could look something like so:

public class ViewSwapperAdapter extends FragmentStateAdapter {

    private static final int INDEX_BUFFER = 0;
    private static final int INDEX_RETREAT = 1;
    private static final int INDEX_VALUES = 2;

    public ViewSwapperAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {

    public Fragment getItem(int position) {
        switch (position) {
            case INDEX_BUFFER:
                return ImageFragment.newInstance(R.drawable.cat);
            case INDEX_RETREAT:
                return ImageFragment.newInstance(R.drawable.buffer);
            case INDEX_VALUES:
                return ImageFragment.newInstance(R.drawable.android);
        return ImageFragment.newInstance(R.drawable.cat);

    public int getCount() {
        return 3;


Now we have the views defined in our layout and the adapter to manage the display of our fragments (or views), we can go ahead and set the adapter for the View Swapper followed by attaching the View Swapper to the Bottom Navigation View:

