

The Buf logo


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This GitHub action makes it easy to run buf within a workflow to check for build, lint, format, and breaking change errors, as well as to automatically publish schema changes to the Buf Schema Registry (BSR).

Annotations example for lint and breaking changes


To use this action with the recommended default behavior, create a new .github/workflows/buf-ci.yaml file in your repository with the following content:

name: Buf CI
    types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, labeled, unlabeled]
  contents: read
  pull-requests: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: bufbuild/buf-action@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.BUF_TOKEN }}

Default behavior

When you push a Git commit, tag, or branch to GitHub, the action will push named modules to the BSR using buf push.

On a pull request, the action will run all checks (using buf build, buf lint, buf format, buf breaking) and then post a summary comment on the PR.

When you delete a Git branch or tag, the action will archive the corresponding label on the BSR.


To customize the behavior of the action, you can set the following parameters in the workflow file. Add these parameters under the with section of the uses step in the workflow file.

- uses: bufbuild/buf-action@v1
versionVersion of the buf CLI to use.Latest version
tokenAPI token for logging into the BSR.
domainDomain for logging into the BSR, enterprise only.buf.build
inputInput for the buf command.
pathsLimit to specific files or directories (separated by newlines).
exclude_importsExclude files imported by the target modules.False
exclude_pathsExclude specific files or directories, e.g. "proto/a/a.proto", "proto/a" (separated by newlines).
pr_commentComment the results on the pull request. The workflow and job name combination must be unique.Only on pull requests (non forks)
formatWhether to run the formatting step.Runs on pushes to Git PR
lintWhether to run the linting step.Runs on pushes to Git PR
breakingWhether to run the breaking change detection step.Runs on pushes to Git PR
breaking_againstInput to compare against.Base of the PR or the commit before the event
pushWhether to run the push step.Runs on Git pushes (non forks)
push_disable_createDisables repository creation if it does not exist.False
archiveWhether to run the archive step.Runs on Git deletes (non forks)
setup_onlySetup only the buf environment, optionally logging into the BSR, but without executing other commands.
github_actorGitHub actor for API requests.Actor from GitHub context
github_tokenGitHub token for API requests. Ensures requests aren't rate limitedToken from GitHub context

Skip the breaking change detection step

By default, the action runs the breaking change detection step on every pull request. To skip this step, add the label buf skip breaking to the PR.

Skip breaking changes example

Ensure the workflow file includes the pull_request event types labeled and unlabeled so checks re-run on label changes.

To disable the ability to skip breaking change checks via a label, set the breaking parameter to the value ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} so it runs on all PRs. See examples/disable-skip/buf-ci.yaml for an example.

Disable steps

To disable parts of the workflow, each step corresponds to a boolean flag in the parameters. For example to disable formatting set the parameter format to false:

- uses: bufbuild/buf-action@v1
    format: false

See action.yml for all available parameters.


For reproducible builds, you can pin to an explicit version of buf by setting version.

- uses: bufbuild/buf-action@v1
    version: 1.35.0

If no version is specified in the workflow config, the action will resolve the version in order of precedence:


Publishing schemas to the BSR provides a seamless way for consumers of your APIs to generate code. Authenticating with the BSR is required for both the push and archive label steps.

To authenticate with the BSR, set the API token as the parameter token. Generate a token from the BSR UI and add it to the repository secrets.

- uses: bufbuild/buf-action@v1
    token: ${{ secrets.BUF_TOKEN }}

For more information on authentication, see the BSR Authentication Reference.

Summary comment

The action reports the status of the most recent checks in a comment on each pull request.

Comment example showing the GitHub summary

To disable the comment, set the parameter comment to false and remove the permission pull_request: write as this is no longer required.

name: Buf CI
    types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, labeled, unlabeled]
  contents: read
- pull-requests: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: bufbuild/buf-action@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.BUF_TOKEN }}
+         pr_comment: false

Specify the input directory

To run the action for inputs not declared at the root of the repository, set the parameter input to the directory of your buf.yaml file.

- uses: bufbuild/buf-action@v1
    input: <path/to/module>

Breaking change detection by default will use the input value as a subdirectory for the breaking against value. To customize this behavior, set the parameter breaking_against to the desired input.

- uses: bufbuild/buf-action@v1
    input: <path/to/module>
    breaking_against: ${{ github.event.repository.clone_url }}#format=git,commit=${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }},subdir=<path/to/module>

Alternatively, you can checkout the base for the breaking comparison to a local folder and then set the value of breaking_against to the path of the base.

- uses: actions/checkout@v4
    path: head
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
    path: base
    ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
- uses: bufbuild/buf-action@v1
    input: head/<path/to/module>
    breaking_against: base/<path/to/module>

For more information on inputs, see the Buf Inputs Reference.

Setup only

To only setup the action without running any commands, set the parameter setup_only to true. This will install buf and optionally login to the schema registry but no additional commands will be run. Subsequent steps will have buf available in their $PATH and can invoke buf directly.

- uses: bufbuild/buf-action@v1
    setup_only: true
- run: buf build --error-format github-actions

See the only-setup.yaml example.

Customize when steps run

To trigger steps on different events use the GitHub action context to deduce the event type. For example to enable formatting checks on both pull requests and push create an expression for the parameter format:

- uses: bufbuild/buf-action@v1
    format: ${{ contains(fromJSON('["push", "pull_request"]'), github.event_name) }}

See GitHub Actions expressions documentation.

Skip checks if commit message matches a specific pattern

To conditionally run checks based on user input, use the GitHub action context to check for the contents of the commit. For example to disable breaking change detection on commits, create an expression on the parameter breaking to check the contents of the commit message:

- uses: bufbuild/buf-action@v1
    breaking: |
      contains(fromJSON('["push", "pull_request"]'), github.event_name) &&
      !contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'buf skip breaking')

See GitHub Actions job context documentation.

Only push on changes to APIs

To push only on changes to when your module changes, restrict the push step for any changes to buf related files. This can be achieved by using the paths filter on the push event.

    - '**.proto'
    - '**/buf.yaml'
    - '**/buf.lock'
    - '**/buf.md'
    - '**/README.md'
    - '**/LICENSE'

See the push-on-changes.yaml example.

Example workflows

Check out the examples directory for more detailed workflows.

Migrating from individual Buf actions

If you're currently using any of our individual actions (buf-setup-action, buf-breaking-action, buf-lint-action, buf-push-action), we recommend migrating to this consolidated action that has additional capabilities. Benefits to migrating include:

See the migration guide for more information.


To debug the action, rerun the workflow with debug logging enabled. This will run all buf commands with the --debug flag. See the re-run jobs with debug logging for more information.

Feedback and support

If you have any feedback or need support, please reach out to us on the Buf Slack, or GitHub Issues.

Status: stable

This action is stable and ready for production use.


Offered under the Apache 2 license.