

React Native Calculator

npm version build status

Simple react native calculator and calculator input component.


Using npm:

npm i -S react-native-calculator

or yarn:

yarn add react-native-calculator


<a href="https://snack.expo.io/@budiadiono/react-native-calculator-example" target="_blank"> <img src="https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=150x150&data=exp://expo.io/@budiadiono/react-native-calculator-example"> </a>

Calculator Component

<img alt="react-native-gifted-chat" src="https://thumbs.gfycat.com/EnchantingVainFallowdeer-size_restricted.gif" width="261" height="464" /> <img alt="react-native-gifted-chat" src="https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BeautifulTimelyAmoeba-size_restricted.gif" width="261" height="464" />


import React from 'react'
import { View } from 'react-native'
import { Calculator } from 'react-native-calculator'

export default class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
        <Calculator style={{ flex: 1 }} />


All props in common props and...

Prop NameData TypeDefault ValueDescription
hasAcceptButtonbooleanfalseShow accept button after calculate.
styleViewStyleContainer style.
onCalc(value : number , text : string ) => voidCalculate button click event.
onAccept(value : number , text : string ) => voidAccept button click event.
hideDisplaybooleanfalseHide display text field.

Calculator Input Component

<img alt="react-native-gifted-chat" src="https://thumbs.gfycat.com/DismalSpotlessAcaciarat-size_restricted.gif" width="261" height="464" />


import React from 'react'
import { View } from 'react-native'
import { CalculatorInput } from 'react-native-calculator'

export default class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          fieldTextStyle={{ fontSize: 24 }}
          fieldContainerStyle={{ height: 36 }}


All props in common props and...

Prop NameData TypeDefault ValueDescription
modalBackdropStyleViewStyleStyle of modal backdrop.
fieldContainerStyleViewStyleText field container style.
fieldTextStyleTextStyleText style.
onChange(value : number , text : string ) => voidValue change event.
onBeforeChange(value : number , text : string ) => booleanCalled before changes applied. Return true if changes are accepted.
onBeforeChangeAsync(value : number , text : string ) => Promise<boolean>Called asynchronously before changes applied. Resolve with true if changes are accepted.

Common Props

Prop NameData TypeDefault ValueDescription
decimalSeparatorstring.Decimal separator sign.
thousandSeparatorstring,Thousand separator sign.
numericButtonBackgroundColorstring#ffffffNumeric button background color.
numericButtonColorstring#aaaaaaNumeric text button color.
actionButtonBackgroundColorstring#e7e5e3Action button background color.
actionButtonColorstring#000000Action text button color.
calcButtonBackgroundColorstring#ff8d00Calculate button background color.
calcButtonColorstring#ffffffCalculator text button color.
acceptButtonBackgroundColorstring#14CC60Accept button background color.
acceptButtonColorstring#ffffffAccept text button color.
displayBackgroundColorstring#ffffffDigit display background color.
displayColorstring#000000Digit display text color.
borderColorstring#52525BBorder color.
fontSizenumber18Button text font size.
valuenumber0Initial value.
widthnumber(auto)Calculator component width.
heightnumber(auto)Calculator component height.
displayHeightnumber(auto)Digit display container height.
keyboardHeightnumber(auto)Keyboard container height.
onTextChange(text: string) => voidText change event.
displayTextAlign"auto" / "left" / "right" / "center" / "justify""left"Digit align display.
noDecimalbooleanfalseHide decimal separator button to disable decimal value.
roundTonumber2How many decimal places to round the value
