

My Dear Farm

This is a game made for Ludum Dare 41. The theme was "Combine 2 Incompatible Genres".

Play now!


You can also download the native Mac app (slightly better performance).

More Info

This game was build using Reprocessing, a 2D graphics library we wrote in ReasonML/OCaml, with an api inspired by Processing.

See here for more examples of games and demos built in Reprocessing.


warning: this doesn't work with npm5. Use npm4 or use yarn. To downgrade to npm4 you can npm install -g npm@latest-4



yarn run build


yarn start

To build to JS run npm run build:web and then run a static server, like python -m SimpleHTTPServer and go to localhost:8000. If you're using safari you can simply open the index.html and tick Develop > Disable Cross-Origin Restrictions.

To build to native run npm run build:native and run npm run start:native

The build system used is bsb-native.