

Ember NW.js Markdown Editor

A GitHub-flavored markdown editor built with Ember and NW.js.

This project serves as an example for how you could develop a native desktop application using NW.js and Ember. It also makes use of the ember-cli-node-webkit addon for all build and packaging needs.

Markdown Editor


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


git clone git@github.com:brzpegasus/ember-nw-markdown.git
cd ember-nw-markdown
npm install
bower install

Running in NW.js

Running in the Browser

You can run a NW.js-less version of the app in the browser:

This version lets you edit and preview documents but you won't have access to any functionality that depends on NW.js, such as the application menu, keyboard shortcuts, and anything that touches the file system. This is useful during development when the area you are focusing on does not depend on NW.js, and you need to access advanced debugging tools or extensions not available in NW.js's dev tools (e.g. Ember Inspector).

Running Tests


The packaged app will be stored in build/app.